Collaborative and Social Computing Laboratory (CSC Lab)
歡迎對社群運算(social computing)、人機互動(human-computer interaction)、機器學習與語言科技之應用、數位學習及認知科學等主題感興趣的學生申請加入我們的行列。我們關注之研究課題具跨領域性質,結合電腦資訊科學與社會行為科學研究進行「以問題為導向、以使用者為中心」之遠距溝通、線上社群、創意輔助等資訊系統之發展,期有效輔助線上合作、學習與人際互動。我們重視與國際研究社群接軌,強調在學理上、使用者研究上與科技設計上有所創新與貢獻,並積極投入頂尖會議(例如人機互動領域CHI, CSCW與UIST等會議)之參與與發表。我們已於CHI, CSCW, IJCAI, CogSci, CSCL, ijCSCL等重要會議或期刊發表研究成果,並曾獲ACM CHI 2009提名為大會最佳論文候選。
Computers, or computing machineries more abstractly, are no longer just devices for performing computation. One significant use of computers today is to enable interpersonal communication over the mediation of computers. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has greatly influenced and changed people’s everyday lives and work. The advancement of communication and networking technologies has made physical distance less and less of a problem to remote communication between people. Novel computing systems grounded upon the foundation of CMC have tremendously reshaped our conceptualization of social connectivity (e.g., Facebook), information sharing and exchange (e.g., Twitter), and knowledge creation and management (e.g., Wikipedia) etc. One observation is that the value of this sort of systems depends on factors of two aspects, technical ones and human ones. People in these systems don’t just consume information, but also produce information and become deeply involved in the core of system functioning. The research and design of this type of socio-technical computing systems thus requires and benefits from deeper understanding of people. This requires computing researchers to seriously consider importing ideas and methods from social, cognitive and behavioral sciences, such as communication, education, psychology, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, ergonomics and management etc.
The Collaborative and Social Computing Laboratory (CSC Lab) at NTHU contributes to the research and design of computing systems that support people’s collaboration and/or leverage human processes and capabilities to perform computation. The lab is recruiting graduate and undergraduate students with strong interests in human-computer interaction, social computing, applied machine learning, language technologies, educational technology or cognitive science. Students with multi-disciplinary background (e.g., information management, communication, education, psychology, sociology etc.) are especially welcome to apply.
Graduate Students
Ai-Ju Huang 黃艾如 (ISA, NTHU, year 3)
Chien-Tung Jack Lai 賴建同 (CS, NTHU, year 2)
Hsing-Ling Tsai 蔡幸霖 (CS, NTHU, year 2)
Tau-Heng Yeo 姚道亨 (ISA, NTHU, year 2)
Han-Ting Chiang 姜翰廷 (CS, NTHU, year 1)
Hiraku Wang 王碩平 (CS, NTHU, year 1)
施博瀚 (ISA, NTHU, year 1)
楊平京 (CS, NTHU, year 1)
Undergraduate Project Students
潘玫樺 (EECS undergrad program, NTHU)
許凱翔 (CS, NTHU)
韓政憲 (CS, NTHU)
陳岳佟 (CS, NTHU)
鄭浩緯 (CS, NTHU)