CS 1103 -- 電機資訊工程實習
The purpose of this course is to introduce some important and basic concepts of computer science, including digital representation, modeling and abstraction, state and transition, problem solving, recursion, synchronization and concurrency, and scalability. The course is supplemented with programming exercises on Linux, robots, and cell phones.
- 授課老師:金仲達
- 課程助教:
- 上課大綱及講議
- 最新消息
- Linux實習:
* 第一單元:12/11及12/18
* 第二單元:12/24及1/8
- 中研院OSSF自由軟體教學課程:
12/15: 自由軟體概論、寫程式前的注意事項:自由軟體法 律授權
12/22: 專案開發平台教學工具
- Quiz
- 課程相關資源
- 計分:
- 實驗:40%
- 隨堂作業及出席:40%
- 期末考:20%
The instructor reserves the right to normalize (including shift and scale) the
scores for the purpose of achieving fair grade distribution within the class or
across classes.