Assembly Language and System Programming
CS 2422-02 -- 組合語言與系統程式
This is a one semester course on assembly language and system programming.
We will introduce primarily X86-based assembly language and it programming.
The course will also cover the design and development of major system programs,
i.e. assembler, linker, and loader.
- 授課老師:金仲達
- 課程助教:
- 教科書:
- Kip R. Irvine, Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers,
5th Edition.
- Leland L. Beck, System Software: An Introduction to Systems
- 上課大綱及講義
- 最新消息:
- 課程相關資源
- 計分:
- Program Assignments: 60%
- Mid-term Exam.: 20%
- Final Exam: 20%
The instructor reserves the right to normalize (including shift and scale) the
scores for the purpose of achieving fair grade distribution within the class or
across classes.
- Honor Code: Any cheating will be handled seriously in compliance with the
university rules. Discussion of assignments is encouraged, but copying is
prohibited and considered as cheating. All works that are submitted must be your
own work, unless specifically provided in the assignments. You are advised to
refer to the related regulations and honor code of the university.
- Assignment Grading:
- Late Penalty: All assignments are due at midnight (i.e., 24:00-) on
the due date. The late penalty is 20% for each day (or fraction) past due.
- Early Bonus: For programming assignments, there is an early bonus
of 2% per day for up to 4% total.