CS4101: Introduction to Embedded Systems
(Fall 2014)
Course Information
- Introduction:
This course introduces basic concepts of microcontrollers and embedded
systems. The course is designed around labs, using TI MSP430 LaunchPad and
Freescale Kinetis Tower to discuss concepts such as basic I/O, timing and
clocking, interupt handling, serial communication, embedded operating systems,
synchronization, etc.
- Instructor:
Chung-Ta King
- Classroom:
- Time: Tuesday 3:30pm-5:20pm; Thursday 3:30pm-4:20pm
- Location: 105 Delta Building
- Course Assistants:
- 李荏敏、柯安琪、廖柏皓、張子逸、廖毓強、鄭又仁 (分機:33553, 實驗室:資電館734室)
- Reference Book:
- David E. Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Addison-Wesley,
- John H. Davies, MSP430 Microcontroller Basics, Newnes, 2008.
- Lectures:
- Outline (pdf)
- Embedded software development
- Introduction to MSP430
- Timers and clocks
- Interrupt
- Analog-to-digital conversion
- Asynchronous serial communication
- Introdcution to Tower System
- MQX GPIO, timer, and ISR
- MQX and sensors
- Device drivers of MQX
- Task synchronization in MQX
- Labs:
There are 13 basic labs in this course.
Labs 1 to 8 are the practice labs of TI MSP430 LaunchPad,
while labs 9 to 13 are practice labs of Freescale Kinetis Tower System.
The last lab involves the connection of Freescale Kinetis Tower System
and TI MSP430 LaunchPad.
- Lab 1: Development Environment of MSP430 LauchPad
- Lab 2: Basic IO of MSP430 LaunchPad
- Lab 3: Timer and Clock of MSP430 LaunchPad
- Lab 4: Interrupt of MSP430 LaunchPad
- Lab 5: Analog-to-digital Converters of MSP430 LaunchPad
- Lab 6: Low-power Optimization of MSP430 LaunchPad
- Lab 7: Asynchronous Serial Communication of MSP430 LaunchPad
- Lab 8: Tower System Setup
- Lab 9: MQX Task Scheduling
- Lab 10: MQX Timers and Interrupts
- Lab 12: MQX Device Drivers
- Lab 13: MQX Task Synchronization