Book chapter

  1. Yu-Chuan Chen and Che-Rung Lee Augmented Block Cimmino Distributed Algorithm for Solving Tridiagonal Systems on GPU in ADVANCES IN GPU RESEARCH AND PRACTICE


  1. 共乘路徑的計算方法及使用此方法的計算裝置與記錄媒體
  2. 虛擬機器之資料存取方法、資料存取系統與主控端模組


  1. Chun-Yu Wu, Chih-Chieh Tu, Kai-Jung Cheng, Che-Rung Lee EITHOT: Efficient In-place Transposition of High Order Tensors on GPUs ACM Transaction of Parallel Algorithms (2024)
  2. Erh-Chung Chen, Che-Rung Lee Data filtering for efficient adversarial training, Pattern Recognition 151 (2024) 110394
  3. Oscar Lijen Hsu, Che-Rung Lee: Common Sub-Trajectory Clustering via Hypercubes in Spatiotemporal Space. IEEE Access 8: 23369-23377 (2020)
  4. Sang, J. ; Lee, C.-R. ; Rego, V. ; King, C.-T. Experiences with implementing parallel discrete-event simulation on GPU Journal of Supercomputing, 2018-01 Pages 1-18.
  5. Liu, C.-S. ; Lee, C.-R. On the structured backward error of inexact Arnoldi methods for (skew)-Hermitian and (skew)-symmetric eigenvalue problems BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2017-05, Pages 1-26
  6. Chen, C.-H. ; Lee, C.-R. ; Lu, W.C.-H. Smart in-car camera system using mobile cloud computing framework for deep learning Vehicular Communications, 2017, Volume: 10, Pages 84-90
  7. Quey-Liang Kao, Che-Rung Lee: Preliminary performance evaluations of the determinant quantum Monte Carlo simulations for multi-core CPU and many-core GPU. IJCSE 9(1/2): 34-43 (2014)
  8. Shih-Hsiang Lo, Che-Rung Lee, Quey-Liang Kao, I-Hsin Chung, Yeh-Ching Chung: Improving GPU Memory Performancewith Artificial Barrier Synchronization. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 25(9): 2342-2352 (2014)
  9. Tseng-Yi Chen, Hsin-Wen Wei, Che-Rung Lee, Fu-Nan Huang, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Wei-Kuan Shih: Energy Efficient Geographic Routing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Network. Journal of Interconnection Networks 14(1) (2013)
  10. Po-Chi Shih, Kuo-Chan Huang, Che-Rung Lee, I-Hsin Chung, Yeh-Ching Chung: TLA: Temporal look-ahead processor allocation method for heterogeneous multi-cluster systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 73(12): 1661-1672 (2013)
  11. Che-Rung Lee, Minimal Split Checkerboard Method for Exponentiating Sparse Matrices and its Applications in Quantum Statistical Mechanics. SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing 2013.
  12. Shih-Hsiang Lo, Che-Rung Lee, I-Hsin Chung, Yeh-Ching Chung, Optimizing Pairwise Box Intersection Checking on GPUs for Large-Scale Simulations. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 2013.
  13. I-Hsin Chung, Che-Rung Lee, Jiazheng Zhou, Yeh-Ching Chung, Hierarchical Mapping for HPC Applications. Parallel Processing Letters 21(3): 279-299 (2011)
  14. Z. Bai, Che-Rung Lee, R.-C. Li and S. Xu, Stable solutions of linear systems involving long chain of matrix multiplications, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol.435, pp.659-673, 2011
  15. E. Khatami, Che-Rung Lee, Z. Bai, R. T. Scalettar and M. Jarrell, Dynamical mean field theory cluster solver with linear scaling in inverse temperature. Phys. Rev. E, Vol.81, 056703, 2010
  16. C. N. Varney, C-R. Lee, Z. Bai, S. Chiesa, M. Jarrell and R. T. Scalettar, Quantum Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional fermion Hubbard model. Phy. Rev. B, Vol.80, 975116, 2009
  17. Che-Rung Lee, G. W. Stewart, Algorithm 879: EIGENTEST-A test matrix generator for large-scale eigenproblem, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 35, No 1, 2008

Conference and Workshop

  1. Kai-Jung Cheng and Che-Rung Lee ITTPD: In-place Tensor Transposition with Permutation Decomposition on GPUs HPC Asia 2025
  2. Erh-Chung Chen, Pin-Yu Chen, IHsin Chung,Che-Rung Lee Latency Attack Resilience in Object Detectors: Insights from Computing Architecture ACCV 2024
  3. Ting-Chia Yao, Kai-Wen Lin, Chih-Kuo Lee, Po-Hsuan Tseng, Che-Rung Lee Training Sequential CAG Segmentation Models without Labeled CAG Video Data IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2024)
  4. Erh-Chung Chen, Pin-Yu Chen, I-Hsin Chung, Che-Rung Lee, Overload: Latency Attacks on Object Detection CVPR 2024
  5. Kuei-Hsiang Huang, Cheng-yu Sie, Jhong-En Lin, Che-Rung Lee: LPSD: Low-rank Plus Sparse Decomposition for Highly Compressed CNN Models PAKDD 2024
  6. Chi-Chang Li, Jay Huang, Wing-Kai Hon, Che-Rung Lee, RPH-PGD: Randomly Projected Hessian for Perturbed Gradient Descent PAKDD 2024
  7. Hsiang-Yu Ku and Che-Rung Lee CoMABO: Covariance Matrix Adaptation for Bayesian Optimization IEEE Bigdata 2023
  8. Yu-Shuo Wang, Hao-Yun Chen, Chih-Kuo Lee, and Che-Rung Lee, EFFCA: Enhanced Frangi Filter for Coronary Angiography Segmentation on Mobile Edge Devices 2023 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom)
  9. Shou-Ping Wang, Erh-Chung Chen, Meng-Hsuan Yang, and Che-Rung Lee A Method for Recovering on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Models Compression 2023 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence
  10. Iuan Kai Fang, Bo Hao Zhang, Te Lun Liu, Hao Tan, Wei Syun Chen, Che-Rung Lee, MontageNet: Annotated Dataset of Furniture Components in Real-World Images ACM Multimedia Asia 2023
  11. Chia Chang Li, Po Cheng Wu and Che Rung Lee, GSLAC: GPU Software Level Access Control for Information Isolation on Cloud Platforms IEEE CloudCom 2023
  12. Chang-Hung Wu, Che-Rung Lee Multi-Sweep-Line Algorithm for Rectangle Union on GPU and Its Application for VLSI Density Calculation IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC) 2023
  13. Tsung-Tso Hsieh and Che-Rung Lee Voda: A GPU Scheduling Platform for Elastic Deep Learning in Kubernetes Cluster IEEE International conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) 2023
  14. Guann-Ling Shen, Che-Rung Lee: FLOMD: Fast and Low Overhead Memory Deduplication for Edge Nodes. IEEE CloudCom 2022
  15. Wei-Cheng Hung, Che-Rung Lee: CSM-DBEN: Container Storage Manager for Data Backup on Edge Nodes. IEEE CloudCom 2022
  16. Wen-Hsiu Tsia, Po-Jui Tsao, Che-Rung Lee: FVMM: Fast VM Migration for Virtualization-based Fault Tolerance Using Templates. IEEE CloudCom 2022 (Best Paper)
  17. Bo-Shiuan Chu, Che-Rung Lee: Low-rank Tensor Decomposition for Compression of Convolutional Neural Networks Using Funnel Regularization. International Workshop on Practical Deep Learning in the Wild 2022
  18. Kuan-Hsian Hsieh, Erh-Chung Chen, Che-Rung Lee FOCM: Faster Octave Convolution Using Mix-scaling The 26th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2021)
  19. Chun-Yuan Huang, Der-Yu Tsai, Che-Rung Lee: Memory hot-zone and its application to accelerate the convergence of KSM for VM consolidation. UCC Companion 2021: 23:1-23:6
  20. Chi-Hsi Kung, Che-Rung Lee: ADD: A Fine-grained Dynamic Inference Architecture for Semantic Image Segmentation. IROS 2021: 4792-47
  21. Chia-Chun Liang, Che-Rung Lee: Automatic Selection of Tensor Decomposition for Compressing Convolution Neural Networks: A Case Study on VGG-type Networks. IPDPSW, iWAPT 2021.
  22. Tsai-Jyun Fan, Chien-Yu Lu, Wei-Chen Chiu, Li Su, Che-Rung Lee: Timbre-Enhanced Multi-Modal Music Style Transfer with Domain Balance Loss. TAAI 2020
  23. Yiling Jia, Che-Rung Lee: Vector Field Model for Trajectory Data and Its Application in Similarity Query. IEEE HPCC/SmartCity/DSS/DependSys-2020
  24. Erh-Chung Chen, Che-Rung Lee: Towards Fast and Robust Adversarial Training for Image Classification. ACCV (3) 2020: 576-591
  25. Chieh-Yu Yu, Che-Rung Lee, Po-Jui Tsao, Yu-Shiang Lin, Tzi-Cker Chiueh: Efficient Group Fault Tolerance for Multi-tier Services in Cloud Environments. ICC 2020: 1-7
  26. Chien-Yu Lu, Min-Xin Xue, Chia-Che Chang, Che-Rung Lee, Li Su: Play as You Like: Timbre-Enhanced Multi-Modal Music Style Transfer. AAAI 2019: 1061-1068
  27. Kun Xie, Che-Rung Lee, Feng-Yuan Liu: Performance Optimization of SpMV on Spark. BigData 2019: 689-694
  28. Ming-ting Wei, Yu-Shiang Lin, Che-Rung Lee: Performance Optimization for InfiniBand Virtualization on QEMU/KVM. CloudCom 2019: 19-26
  29. Yu-Shiang Lin, Chun-Yuan Lin, Che-Rung Lee, Yeh-Ching Chung: qCUDA: GPGPU Virtualization for High Bandwidth Efficiency. CloudCom 2019: 95-102
  30. Bo-Yu Huang, Che-Rung Lee: qCUDA-ARM: Virtualization for Embedded GPU Architectures. IOV 2019: 284-302 (Best Paper Award)
  31. Heimei Lao, Che-Rung Lee: Recommendation System for Online Programming Judge Platforms. IEEE DataCom/SOCA/SC2/IOV 2019
  32. Kao, Q.-L. ; Yu, C.-Y. ; Lee, C.-R. Kernel Assisted Container Virtualization and Its Application for Containerized CUDA Environment HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2018
  33. Chen, W.-C. ; Chang, C.-C. ; Lee, C.-R. Knowledge Distillation with Feature Maps for Image Classification ACCV 2018, Pages 200-215
  34. Wu, H.-Y. ; Lee, C.-R. Energy Efficient Scheduling for Heterogeneous Fog Computing Architectures International Computer Software and Applications Conference ,2018-06 Pages 555-560.
  35. Chang, C.-C. ; Lin, C.H. ; Lee, C.-R. ; Juan, D.-C. ; Wei, W. ; Chen, H.-T. Escaping from collapsing modes in a constrained space ECCV 2018
  36. Huang, C.-H. ; Lee, C.-R. Enhancing the availability of Docker swarm using checkpoint-and-restore FCST 2017
  37. Hsu, H.-C. ; Lee, C.-R. G-KVM: A full GPU virtualization on KVM IEEE SC2 2016
  38. Li-Jen Hsu and Che-Rung Lee An Approach for Finding Ridesharing Paths in Spatiotemporal Space Urban Computing 2016
  39. ShiouCheng Yu, Quey-Liang Kao, Che-Rung Lee Performance Optimization of the SSVD Collaborative Filtering Algorithm on MapReduce Architectures. DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech 2016: 612-619 (Best Paper)
  40. Yi-Ren Chen, Che-Rung Lee G-Storm: A GPU-Aware Storm Scheduler. DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech 2016: 738-745
  41. Hao-Che Kao, I-Ching Wang, Che-Rung Lee, Chi-Wen Lo, Hao-Ping Kang, Accelerating HEVC Motion Estimation Using GPU IEEE BigMM 2016
  42. Kuan-Hsin Lee, I-Cheng Lai, Che-Rung Lee Optimizing back-and-forth live migration. UCC 2016: 49-54
  43. Chien-Hung Chen, Che-Rung Lee, Walter Chen-Hua Lu A Mobile Cloud Framework for Deep Learning and Its Application to Smart Car Camera. IOV 2016: 14-25
  44. Hao-Ping Kang, Che-Rung Lee, Improving Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks by Separable Filters on GPU. Euro-Par 2015: 638-649
  45. Ying-Chieh Wang, I-Hsin Chung, Che-Rung Lee, Michael Perrone, Yeh-Ching Chung, Hardware Thread-Level Speculation Performance Analysis. HPCC/CSS/ICESS 2015: 900-903
  46. Hao-Che Kao, Hao-Ping Kang, Che-Rung Lee, Kun-Hsien Lu, Shu-Hsin Chang Achieving Cost Effective Cloud Video Services via Fine Grained Multicore Scheduling ICPADS 2014
  47. Ying-Chieh Wang, IHsin Chung, Che-Rung Lee, Michael Perrone, Yeh-Ching Chung, Performance Modeling for Hardware Thread-Level Speculation IPDPSW LSPP 2014
  48. Quey-Liang Kao, Hao-Ping Kang and Che-Rung Lee, InK-CuP: In-Kernel CUDA Profiler and Its Applications in Artificial Barriers Analysis, CTHPC 2014
  49. Wu-Chun Chung, Po-Chi Shih, Kuan-Chou Lai, Kuan-Ching Li, Che-Rung Lee, Jerry Chou, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Yeh-Ching Chung: Taiwan UniCloud: A Cloud Testbed with Collaborative Cloud Services. IC2E 2014: 107-116
  50. Po-Chi Shih, Che-Rung Lee, Yeh-Ching Chung, A Fast Provisioning Algorithm for OpenStack Nova-scheduler, in the Proceedings of the 2013 Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing (SCC 2013)
  51. Che-Rung Lee and Ya-Fang Chang, Enhancing Accuracy and Performance of Collaborative Filtering Algorithm by Stochastic SVD and Its MapReduce Implementation. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning and Inference Problems (ParLearning'2013)
  52. Chi-Cheng Chuang, Yu-Sheng Chiu, Zhi-Hung Chen, Hao-Ping Kang, Che-Rung Lee, A Compression Algorithm for Fluctuant Data in Smart Grid Database Systems. Data Compression Conference 2013, Salt Lake City, USA
  53. Fan-Wei Yu, Bo-Han Zeng, Yu-Hung Huang, Hsin-I Wu, Che-Rung Lee and Ren-Song Tsay, A Critical-Section-Level Timing Synchronization Approach for Deterministic Multi-Core Instruction-Set Simulations. Design, Automation, Test in Europe, Grenoble, France.
  54. Chi-Cheng Chuang, Yu-Sheng Chiu, Quey-Liang Kao, Zhi-Hung Chen and Che-Rung Lee, Accelerating Block Checkerboard Method on GPU for Performance Enhancement of 2D and 3D Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations. IEEE CloudCom 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
  55. Quey-Liang Kao and Che-Rung Lee, Design Fast Matrix Algorithms on High-Performance Cloud Platforms. IEEE CloudCom 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
  56. Yi-Man Ma, Che-Rung Lee and Yeh-Ching Chung, InfiniBand Virtualization on KVM. IEEE CloudCom 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
  57. Che-Rung Lee, Zhi-Hung Chen, Quey-Liang Kao, Parallelizing the Hamiltonian Computation in DQMC Simulations: Checkerboard Method for Sparse Matrix Exponentials on Multicore and GPU. IEEE IPDPSW 2012, ShangHai, China.
  58. I-Hsin Chung, Che-Rung Lee, Jiazheng Zhou, Chung-Yi Chou, Yeh-Ching Chung, Scalable Communication-aware Task Mapping Algorithms for Interconnected Multicore Systems. IEEE IPDPSW, ShangHai, China.
  59. Chung-Han Chou, Nien-Yu Tsai, Hao Yu, Che-Rung Lee, Yiyu Shi and Shih-Chieh Chang, On the Preconditioner of Conjugate Gradient Method: A Power Grid Simulation Perspective TAU'12 Workshop.
  60. I-Hsin Chung, Che-Rung Lee, Jiazheng Zhou, Yeh-Ching Chung, Scalable Communication-Aware Task Mapping Algorithms for Interconnected Multicore Systems. HPCC 2011: 759-764
  61. Che-Rung Lee, Zhaojun Bai, Redesign of Higher-Level Matrix Algorithms for Multicore and Distributed Architectures and Applications in Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation. IPDPS 2011: 266-274
  62. I-Hsin Chung, Che-Rung Lee, Jiazheng Zhou, Yeh-Ching Chung, Hierarchical Mapping for HPC Applications. IPDPS Workshops 2011: 1815-1823
  63. Shih-Hsiang Lo, Che-Rung Lee, I-Hsin Chung, and Yeh-Ching Chung, A Parallel Rectangle Intersection Algorithm on GPU+CPU, CCGrid 2011.
  64. Po-Chi Shih, Kuo-Chan Huang, Che-Rung Lee, I-Hsin Chung, Yeh-Ching Chung, A Performance Goal Oriented Processor Allocation Technique for Centralized Heterogeneous Multi-cluster Environments. CCGRID 2011: 614-615
  65. Che-Rung Lee, I-H. Chung, Z. Bai, Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, IPDPS 2010.
  66. Wei-Kuan Shih, Che-Rung Lee, Ching-Hui Tang, A Fast Algorithm for Scheduling Imprecise Computations with Timing Constraints to Minimize Weighted Error. RTSS 2000: 305-310