CS3331 Numerical Methods
Classes: 13:10-14:00, Tuesday and 13:10-15:00, Friday at EECS 131 (Fall 2008)
Laurene V. Fausett, Applied Numerical Analysis Using Matlab,
Second Edition, Pearson International Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall
- Matrix Computations by Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan.
- Applied Numerical Linear Algebra by James W. Demmel.
- Afternotes on Numerical Analysis by G. W. Stewart.
- Numerical Computing with MATLAB by Cleve Moler.
(online version)
Cherung Lee
TA: §dªª®¦¡A°ª±Ò¯q
- TA office hours: Thursday 1:00-3:00
- TA office: 833
- 1/13
- Please check your final grade via the Grade lookup system.
If you have any questions about your grade, ask before 1/20.
- 1/11
- Grade enhancer assignment is posted here.
Due date is Jan 20 2009.
Prerequisites: Caculus, C/C++, Linear Algebra
- Foundations (pdf)
- Functions of one variable (pdf)
- Muller's method
- Linear systems (pdf)
- Introduction to BLAS/LAPACK
- Quadratic equation and matrix
- A short explanation of the
condition number estimator.
- QR decomposition (pdf)
- A Matlab/Octave example
- Geometry interpretations of matrix transformations.
- A numerical example.
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (pdf)
- A recent talk
- Iterative methods for solving linear systems (pdf)
- Interpolation (pdf)
- Approximation (pdf)
- An example of gradient vector field
- Fourier methods (pdf)
- Using trigonometric functions in interpolation and approximation.
- Solution of homework 9
- Numerical differentiation and integration
External links:
Grading: Grade lookup system