CS5321 Numerical Optimization
Classes: M7 M8 R6 at EECS 129 (Fall 2008)
Numerical optimization, Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright
- Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Stephen G. Nash and Ariela Sofer (1996, 2005)
- Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations, J. Dennis and R. Schnabel
External links:
Many useful notes/references can be found in the following links
Cherung Lee
Prerequisites: Caculus, Linear Algebra, Numerical methods
- The schedule of presentations has been posted. Please checkout
- The due date of classnote is postponed to 4/23
- Latex lecture here
- Please review the multivariable calculus and linear algebra.
- Introduction ppt pdf
- Unconstrained optimization ppt pdf
- Linear programming
- Constrained optimization ppt pdf
- Matlab optimization toolbox introduction
Course requirements
- Attendance (10%)
- Class note (50%)
- Write a class note (30%)
You need to write a short tutorial paper on one topic covered in this class.
It can be an algorithm, a problem, a concept, or a theorem.
You should fully understand the topic that you choose and explain
it to the potential readers, which are, in this case, your classmates.
- Review other's work (20%)
You also need to review your classmates' note. Since one article
will be reviewed by three persons, one student will review at least three
notes. (details)
- Important dates
3/12: decide the topic
4/16 4/23: submit the note
5/14 5/21: submit the review
6/11 6/18: submit revised note
- Project (40%)
In this assignment, you need to find a related topic for independent study.
The topic can be an optimization application, a problem formulation,
software survey, or implementations. (details)
- Proposal (10%): due on 3/26
- Presentation (10%): schedule
- Final report (20%): before the end of this semester (6/18)