CS5321 Class Note

  1. Class note
  2. Review
  3. Using Latex
  4. Tentative topics

Write a class note

The first part is to write a short tutorial paper on one topic covered in this class. It can be an algorithm, a problem, a concept, or a theorem. You should fully understand the topic that you choose and explain it to the potential readers, which are, in this case, your classmates. Here are some guidelines/requirements for this part of assignment. Please read through them.

Write reviews

The second part is to review other work. You can give suggestions and criticisms with the following guidelines.

Use Latex

This class requires you to write the note using Tex/Latex. (the reviews can be written by using any format.) If you haven't used it before, it is a good time to learn it. There are many useful tutorials on line. You can also consult TA for the problems you encounter.

Tentative topics

Here is a list of tentative topics.