CS5321 Project

  1. Options
  2. Requirements
  3. Topics
  4. Presentation schedule


In this assignment, you need to find a related topic for independent study. There are several options.
  1. Application:
    Introduce an application that uses numerical optimization to solve the problem. How the problems are formulated? What is the assumption? What are the special properties of the problem? Which methods have been used to solve this problem? If the idea is from some papers of books, you need to propose a different method to solve it.

  2. Algorithm:
    Introduce a numerical optimization algorithm or techniques (or a kind of algorithms and techniques) that hasn’t been mentioned in class. Where can it be applied? What are its strengths and limitations? Does it have future? If the idea is from some papers of books, you need to propose an improvement method.

  3. Software survey:
    Study software for solving a particular type of optimization problems. You need to test the software with some simple applications. What is the performance and usability for each package or each program? (Compare at least two packages or programs.)

  4. Implementation:
    Implement a complete algorithm in the textbook. You can use any language, including Matlab. Describe the implementation details, such as data structure, program flow, etc. What assumptions do you make? What improvement do you make? How do you test it? What is the performance?



You need to write a proposal to introduce your project. In your proposal, you should include

  1. The title of your project.
  2. The type of your project.
  3. A brief introduction of your project.
  4. The reasons why you choose this topic.
  5. The plan of how to proceed the project.
Please print out the proposal and hand in it in class. Please limit your proposal in two pages.


You need to prepare a short presentation about 15-20 minutes to introduce your project. The date and time will be arranged later.


Please write a short report to summarize your project. It need not be very formal, but should be clearly shown what you have done. The report should include

  1. Background introduction. (This part you can copy from your proposal.)
  2. Literature review of others' work. (What have you surveyed?)
  3. Summary on your work. (What have you done?)
  4. Conclusion and future works.
  5. List of references


Here is a list of papers that you can choose from, but not limited

Presentation Schedule

6/1Integer linear programming 張豐願, 林星同, 徐展偉
6/1VLSI floorplan林郁珊, 馮冠中
6/4Sensor network 陳俊傑, 廖天佑
6/8Matrix computation 劉富翃, 劉向瑄, 戴銘佑
6/8Least suqare problem 林怡姍, 謝青州
6/11Implementation of DFO and LP余宗盛, 許廷碩, 黃中昱
6/15Image processing顏子傑, 傅裕翔, 廖天健, 林俊育, 李東穎
6/18Vision and graphics金立軒, 胡任桓

last update: 4/16/2009