Instructor: Che-Rung Lee
PS3 programming | GPU programming |
Schedule | PS3 programming | GPU programming |
Week 1 | SIMD programming on PPE | Basic programming model |
Week 2 |
Using SPU |
GPU Memory (I) Matrix-matrix multiplication explained |
Week 3 |
Using DMA |
cuda thread Change time to 10:00am-12:00pm and room to EECS 550 |
Week 4 |
Signal, event, and mail box |
Shared memory and register parallel prefix sum |
Week 5 |
Software cache, overlay
slide Math library slide |
Instructions, asynchronized execution, and device API slide |
Week 6 |
Cell cluster and distributed computing
slide |
Fermi, Radeon and OpenCL slide NVIDIA Fermi Compute Architecture Whitepaper ATI Stream Computing OpenCL An Introduction to OpenCL by John Stone (Dec 2009) |
Last update: 2010/5/7