CS6500 °ªµ¥pºâ¾÷¹Ï¾Ç (Advanced Computer Graphics)
¸ê¹qÀ]Room 129
Time: Tuesday 1:10 pm ¡V 3:00 pm and Thursday 2:10 pm ¡V 3:00 pm
Instructor: ±i¶vªk (Chun-Fa Chang)
Office Hours: Appointment by email.
Office: ¸ê¹qÀ]Room 642
Phone: (03) 574-2962
Email: chunfa@cs.nthu.edu.tw
Textbooks: Paper
Grading: Assignments: 30%, Paper Presentation: 30%, Project: 30%, Class
Participation: 10%
Workload (subject to change):
1. Programming Assignments: There will be two or three: the first one is an OpenGL exercise and the second one is to render a large model as fast as possible. Don¡¦t worry about its complexity. Examples or pseudo codes will be available to make them easier and enjoyable to you.
2. Written Assignments: exercises such as the computation of Z-Buffer values and other interesting topics.
3. Paper Presentation: You are expected to study a technical paper thoroughly and present its ideas to the class.
4. Project: The class will be divided into
teams of 2-3 persons, with each team working on a different project. At the 9th week, each
team should finish the proposal. At
the 13th week, each team will present the current progress. Before the end of semester, each
team will present its results and demonstrate the finished product.
and Schedule:
(subject to change)