How to Create Cool 3D Graphics 

without Programming...

Rendering Programs

Modeling Programs

    The following programs are commercial products with trial versions that you can download and try:

Now I'm Interested.  But How Do I Start?

    The 3D models or scenes that are rendered by POV-Ray are described in its own "Scene Description Language."  If you installed POV-Ray for Windows on your PC, then you probably have seen the test scenes when it started up.  Read the source files of the test scenes, and you will see that it is not hard to understand or modify.

    But it is more likely that you will use a 3D modeler to create your 3D scenes.  Download one of the modeling programs that are mentioned above and give it a try.  If you prefer freeware or shareware, then start with Ayam for creating RenderMan and BMRT compatible models, or Moray for creating POV-Ray compatible models.

    (to be continued)

    3D Studios, Maya...

    Tutorials (POV-Ray Example Files, Train Models, SG95 RenderMan Course)...

3D Graphics Technology in the Movies * Last revised: 01.22.2002 12:47 AM