※ Journal Articles
S. Y. Kuo, C.
Y. Huang, and M. R. Lyu, “Framework for Modeling Software
Reliability, Using Various Testing-Efforts and Fault-Detection Rates,” IEEE
Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 310-320, Sept. 2001.
C. Y. Huang and S.
Y. Kuo, “Analysis of Incorporating Logistic Testing Effort Function into
Software Reliability Modeling,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 51, No.
3, pp. 261-270, Sept. 2002.
C. Y. Huang, M. R.
Lyu, and S. Y. Kuo, “A Unified Scheme of Some Non-Homogenous Poisson Process
Models for Software Reliability Estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Software
Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 261-269, March 2003.
J. H. Lo, C.
Y. Huang, I. Y. Chen, S. Y. Kuo, and M. R. Lyu, “Reliability
Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis of Software Reliability Growth Modeling
Based on Software Module Structure,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 76, Issue 1, pp. 3-13,
April 2005.
C. Y. Huang, “Performance Analysis of Software
Reliability Growth Models with Testing-Effort and Change-Point,” Journal of
Systems and Software, Vol.
76, Issue 2, pp. 181-194, May 2005.
Y. Huang,
“Cost-Reliability-Optimal Release Policies for Software Reliability Models
Incorporating Improvements in Testing Efficiency,” Journal of Systems and
Software, Vol.
77, Issue 2, pp. 139-155, Aug. 2005.
C. Y. Huang and M.
R. Lyu, “Optimal Release Time for Software Systems Considering Cost,
Testing-Effort, and Test Efficiency,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol.
54, No. 4, pp. 583-591, Dec. 2005.
C. Y. Huang and M.
R. Lyu, “Optimal Testing Resource Allocation and Sensitivity Analysis in
Software Development,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp.
592-603, Dec. 2005.
Y. Huang, C.
T. Lin, and Y. S. Su, “Modeling and Prediction of Software Operational
Reliability,” International Journal of
Technology and Engineering Education, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 91-100, Dec. 2005.
10. C. Y.
Huang and J. H. Lo “Optimal Resource Allocation for Cost and Reliability of
Modular Software Systems in the Testing Phase,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 79, Issue 5, pp.
653-664, May 2006.
Y. Huang and
C. T. Lin, “Software Reliability Analysis by Considering Fault Dependency and
Debugging Time Lag,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 55, No. 3,
pp. 436-450, Sept. 2006.
12. J. H. Lo
and C. Y. Huang,
“An Integration of Fault Detection and Correction Processes in Software
Reliability Analysis,” Journal
of Systems and Software, Vol.
79, Issue 9, pp. 1312- 1323, Sept. 2006.
13. Y. S. Su
and C. Y. Huang,
“Neural-Network-Based Approaches for Software Reliability Estimation using
Dynamic Weighted Combinational Models,” Journal
of Systems and Software, Vol.
80, Issue 4, pp. 606-615, April 2007.
14. C. Y. Huang, S. Y. Kuo, and M. R. Lyu, “An Assessment of Testing-Effort
Dependent Software Reliability Growth Models,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 198-211, June 2007.
15. C. Y.
Huang and Y.
R. Chang, “An Improved Decomposition
Scheme for Assessing the Reliability of Embedded Systems By Using Dynamic Fault
Trees,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol.
92, No. 10, pp.
1403-1412, Oct. 2007.
16. C. Y. Huang and W. C. Huang, “Software Reliability
Analysis and Measurement Using Finite and Infinite Server Queueing Models,” IEEE
Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 192-203, March 2008.
17. C. T.
Lin and C. Y. Huang, “Enhancing and
Measuring the Predictive Capabilities of the Testing-Effort Dependent Software
Reliability Models,” Journal of Systems
and Software, Vol. 81, Issue 6, pp. 1025-1038, June 2008.
18. J. W.
Lin and C. Y. Huang, “Analysis of Test
Suite Reduction with Enhanced Tie-Breaking Techniques,” Information and Software Technology, Vol. 51, Issue 4, pp. 679-690, April 2009.
19. C. T.
Lin and C. Y. Huang, “Staffing Level
Analysis of Software Debugging through Rate-Based Simulation Approaches,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 58, No.
4, pp. 711-724, Dec. 2009.
20. C. Y. Huang and C. T. Lin, “Analysis of Software Reliability Modeling
Considering Testing Compression Factor and Failure-to-Fault Relationship,” IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 59, No.
2, pp. 283-288, Feb. 2010.
21. C. Y. Huang, J. R. Chang, and Y. H. Chang,
“Design and Analysis of GUI Test Case Prioritization Using Weight-Based
Methods,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol.
83, Issue 4, pp. 646-659, April
22. Y. R.
Chang, C. Y. Huang, and S. Y. Kuo,
“Performance Assessment and Reliability Analysis of Dependable and Distributed
Computing Systems Based on BDD and Recursive
Merge,” Applied
Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 217, Issue 1, pp. 403-413, Sept. 2010.
23. C. Y. Huang, Y. R. Chang, and K. T. Fang, “Optimal Cutting Design
and Analysis for Fault-Tolerant Scheme of Redundant Memories,” International Journal of Systems Science, Volume 41, Issue 9,
pp. 1085-1097, Sept. 2010.
24. C. Y. Huang and T. Y. Hung, “Software Reliability Analysis and
Assessment Using Queueing Models with Multiple Change-Points,” Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 60, Issue 7, pp. 2015-2030, Oct. 2010.
25. C. J. Hsu, C. Y. Huang, and J. R. Chang, “Enhancing Software
Reliability Modeling and Prediction through the Introduction of Time-Variant
Fault Reduction Factor,” Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 35, Issue 1, pp.
506-521, Jan. 2011.
26. C. J. Hsu and C. Y. Huang, “Comparison of Weighted Grey Relational
Analysis for Software Effort Estimation,” Software Quality Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 165-200, March
27. C. J. Hsu and C. Y. Huang, “An
Adaptive Reliability Analysis Using Path Testing for Complex Component-Based
Software Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 158-170, March 2011.
28. C. Y. Huang and
M. R. Lyu, “Estimation and Analysis of
Some Generalized Multiple Change-Point Software Reliability Models,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 498-514, June 2011.
29. Y. C.
Huang, K. L. Peng, and C. Y. Huang,
“A History-based Cost-Cognizant Test Case
Prioritization Technique in Regression Testing,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 85, Issue 3, pp.
626-637, March 2012.
30. C. Y. Huang, H. Leung, W. F. Leung, and O. Mizuno, “Software Quality
Assurance Methodologies and Techniques: Editorial,” Advances in Software Engineering, Vol. 2012, Article ID 872619, 2012.
31. J. R. Chang, C. Y. Huang, C. J. Hsu, and T. H. Tsai, “Comparative Performance Evaluation of Applying Extended
PIE Technique to Accelerate Software Testability Analysis,” International Journal of Systems
Science, Vol. 43, No. 12, pp. 2314-2333, Dec. 2012.
32. C. Y. Huang, C. S. Kuo, and S. P. Luan, “Evaluation of Bounded
Generalized Pareto Model for the Analysis of Fault Distribution of Open Source
Software,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 309-319, March 2014.
33. K. L. Peng and C. Y. Huang, “Reliability Evaluation of Service-Oriented
Architecture Systems Considering Fault-Tolerance Designs,” Journal of Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 2014, Article ID 160608, https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/160608.
34. S. P. Luan and C. Y. Huang, “An Improved Pareto
Distribution for Modeling the Fault Data of Open Source Software,” Software Testing, Verification and
Reliability, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pp. 416-437, Sept. 2014.
35. C. J. Hsu and C. Y. Huang, “Optimal Weighted
Combinational Models for Software Reliability Estimation and Analysis,” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 731-749, Sept. 2014.
36. S. M. Huang and C. Y. Huang, “Application of
Multi-Model Combinations to Evaluate the Program Size Variation of Open Source
Software,” IEEE Reliability Digest,
Special Issue on Trustworthy Computing and Cybersecurity, PP. 25-32, Nov.
B. Yang, Y. Hu, and C. Y.
Huang, “An Architecture-Based Multi-Objective Optimization Approach to
Testing Resource Allocation,” IEEE Trans.
on Reliability, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 497-515, March 2015.
K. L. Peng and C. Y. Huang, “Stochastic Modeling and Simulation Approaches to
Analyzing Enhanced Fault Tolerance on Service-Based Software Systems,” Software Testing, Verification and
Reliability, Vol. 26, Issue 4, pp. 276-293,
June 2016.
39. C. Y. Huang, C. S.
Chen and C. E. Lai, “Evaluation and Analysis of Incorporating
Fuzzy Expert System approach into Test Suite Reduction," Information and Software Technology,
Vol. 79, pp. 79-105, Nov. 2016. (SCI, 2020 Impact factor:2.73)
40. K. L. Peng and C. Y. Huang, “Reliability Analysis of
On-Demand Service-Based Software Systems Considering Failure Dependencies,” IEEE Trans. on Services Computing, Vol.
10, No. 3, pp. 423-435, June 2017. (SCI, 2020 Impact factor:8.216)
41. C. Y. Huang and T. Y.
Kuo, “Queueing-Theory-Based Models for Software Reliability Analysis and
Management,” IEEE Trans. on Emerging
Topics in Computing, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 540-550, Dec. 2017. (SCI, 2020 Impact factor:7.691)
42. C. H. Lee, C. Y. Huang, and T.Y. Lin, “A Study of Applying Fault-Based Genetic-Like Programming
Approaches to Automatic Software Fault Corrections,” International Journal of
Performability Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 2090-2104, Sept. 2018.
43. S. Z. Ke and C. Y. Huang, “Software Reliability
Prediction and Management: A Multiple Change-Point Model Approach,” Quality and Reliability Engineering
International, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pp. 1678-1707, July 2020. (SCI, 2020
Impact factor: 2.885)
44. M. C. Chiang, C. Y. Huang, C. Y. Wu, and C. Y.
Tsai, “Analysis of a Fault Tolerant Framework for Reliability Prediction of
Service-Oriented Architecture Systems," IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 13-48,
March 2021. (SCI, 2021 Impact factor: 5.883)
45. C. Y. Huang, M. C. Yang, and C. Y. Huang, “An
Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Consumer Adoption Intention of an
AI-Powered Chatbot for Health and Weight Management,” International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 17, No.
5, pp. 422-432, May 2021. (2019 Impact factor: 1.2)
46. H. Y. Chien, C. Y. Huang, and C. C. Fang,
“Applying Slicing-based Testability Transformation to Improve Test Data
Generation with Symbolic Execution,” International
Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 17, Issue 7, pp. 589-599, July
2021. (2019 Impact factor: 1.2)
47. C. L. Chiang, C. Y. Huang, C. Y. Chiu, K. W. Chen,
and C. H. Lee, “Analysis and Assessment of Weighted Combinatorial Criterion for
Test Suite Reduction,” Quality and
Reliability Engineering International, 2021. (SCI, 2021 Impact factor:
48. C. Y. Wu and C. Y. Huang, “A Study of Incorporation
of Deep-Learning into Software Reliability Modeling and Assessment, ” IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 70, No.
4, pp. 1621-1640, Dec. 2021. (SCI, 2021 Impact factor: 5.883)
49. C. H. Lee and C. Y. Huang, “Applying Cluster-based
Approach to Improve the Effectiveness of Test Suite Reduction,” International Journal of Performability
Engineering, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 1-10, January 2022. (2019 Impact factor:
50. K. W. Chen and C. Y. Huang, “Automatic Categorization
of Software with Document Clustering Methods and Voting Mechanism,” International Journal of Performability
Engineering, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 251-262, April 2022. (2019 Impact
factor: 1.2)
51. J. S. Lin, C. Y. Huang, and C. C. Fang, “Analysis
and Assessment of Software Reliability Modeling with Preemptive Priority
Queueing Policy,” Journal of Systems & Software, Vol. 187, May 2022. (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 2.829)
52. Y. F. Hou, C. Y. Huang, and C. C. Fang, “Using the
Methods of Statistical Data Analysis to Improve the Trustworthiness of Software
Reliability Modeling,” IEEE Access,
Vol. 10, pp. 25358-25375, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3154103. (SCI, 2021
Impact factor: 3.476)
53. J. S. Lin and C. Y. Huang, “Queueing-Based
Simulation for Software Reliability Analysis,” IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 107729-107747, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3213271. (SCI, 2021 Impact factor: 3.476)
54. Y. T. Chen, C. Y. Huang, and T. H. Yang, “Using
Multi-Pattern Clustering Methods to Improve Software Maintenance Quality,” IET Software (predecessor: IEE Proceedings -
Software), Vo.17, Issue 1, pp. 1-22, Feb. 2023 (SCIE, 2021 Impact factor:
55. C. E. Lai and C. Y. Huang, “Developing a Modified
Fuzzy-GE Algorithm for Enhanced Test Suite Reduction Effectiveness,” International Journal of Performability
Engineering, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 223-233, April 2023. (2019 Impact
factor: 1.2)
56. K. J. Chen and C. Y. Huang, “Using Modified
Diffusion Models for Reliability Estimation of Open Source Software,” IEEE Access, Vol. 11, pp. 51631-51646,
2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3279109.
57. C. Y. Yu and C. Y. Huang, “Utilizing
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms to Optimize Open Source Software
Release Management,”IEEE Access, Vol. 11, pp. 112248-112262,
2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3323615.
58. H. M. Liang and C. Y. Huang, “Integrating
Non-Fourier and AST-Structural Relative Position Representations into
Transformer-based model for Source Code Summarization," IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 9871-9889,
2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3354390.
59. W. C. Su and C. Y. Huang, “Application of Weighted
Combinations of Activation Functions to Defect Prediction in Software
Development,” IEEE Trans. on
Reliability, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 680-694, March
60. C. C. Fang, C. Y. Huang, S. Y. Lee, Y. H. Tseng, and
C. W. Chu, “Improving the Performance of Software Fault Localization with
Effective Coverage Data Reduction Techniques,” Journal of Systems and Software, 2025, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2025.112388.
※ Conference Proceedings
Z. Y. Chen, C. Y. Huang,
J. R. Lin, C. C. Fang, and William C. C. Chu, “Employing CNN with Spatial
Pyramid Pooling for Predicting Software Defects through Image Analysis,” Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International
Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS 2024),
Cambridge, United Kingdom, July. 2024. (acceptance
rate of regular full paper: 23.81%)
C. C. Fang and C. Y. Huang,
“An Innovative Method for Efficient
Coverage Data Reduction in Multiple Fault Localization,” Proceedings
of the 48th IEEE
International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications
(COMPSAC 2024) , pp. 1576-
1577, Osaka,
Japan, July 2024.
T. H. Yang and C. Y. Huang, “Improving Software Modularization Quality Through
the Use of Multi-Pattern Modularity Clustering Algorithm,” Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International
Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS 2023), pp. 696-706, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Oct. 2023. (acceptance rate of regular full paper: 23.47%)
T.Y. Lin, C. Y. Huang and C. C. Fang, “Using the Deep Learning-Based Approaches for
Program Debugging and Repair,” Proceedings
of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their
Applications (DSA 2023), pp. 443-454,
Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2023.
C. C. Fang and C. Y. Huang, “A Multiple-Criteria
Ensemble Weight Strategy to Increase the Effectiveness of Deep Learning-based
Fault Localization,” Proceedings
of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their
Applications (DSA 2023), pp. 585-586,
Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2023.
C. C. Fang and C. Y. Huang, “Adopting Pre- and
Post-Processing Weight Mechanisms to Improve Deep Learning-Based Fault
Localization,” Proceedings
of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management (IEEM 2022), pp. 0781-0785, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
Dec. 2022.
C. M. Chu, C. Y. Huang, and Neil C. Fang, “Adopting Misclassification Detection and Outlier
Modification to Fault Correction in Deep Learning-Based Systems,” Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE
International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS
2022), pp. 1046-1056, Guangzhou, China, Dec. 2022. (acceptance rate: 27.47%)
K. W. Chen and C. Y. Huang, “A Study of Applying
Unsupervised Learning Methods for Document Clustering and Automatic
Categorization of Software,” Proceedings
of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management (IEEM 2021), pp. 1626-1630, Marina Bay Sands,
Singapore, Dec. 2021. doi: 10.1109/IEEM50564.2021.9672875.
S. F. Lin, C. Y. Huang, and Neil C. Fang, “Applying
a Deep-Learning Approach to Predict the Quality of Web Services,” Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International
Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS 2021), pp.
776-785, Hainan Island, China, Dec. 2021. (acceptance
rate: 25.1%)
10. T. Y. Yu, C. Y. Huang, and Neil C. Fang, “Use of Deep Learning Model with Attention Mechanism for
Software Fault Prediction,” Proceedings
of the 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their
Applications (DSA 2021), pp. 161-171,
Yinchuan, China, Sept. 2021. (acceptance
rate: 26.32%)
11. C. Y. Huang, A. C. Huang, M. C. Yang, and W. C. Su,
"A Study of Applying Deep Learning-Based Weighted Combinations to Improve
Defect Prediction Accuracy and Effectiveness," Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2019), pp. 1471-1475, Macau,
China, Dec. 2019.
12. C. Y. Huang, M. C. Yang, C. Y. Huang, Y. J. Chen, M. L. Wu, K. W.
Chen, "A Chatbot-Supported Smart Wireless Interactive Healthcare System
for Weight Control and Health Promotion," Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2018), pp. 1791-1795, Bangkok,
Thailand, Dec. 2018.
13. C. Y. Huang, M. C. Yang C. Y. Huang, P. S. Chiu, Z. S. Liu, and R.
I. Chang, “Design and Implementation of
a Dynamic Healthcare System for Weight Management and Health Promotion,”
Proceedings of
the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management (IEEM 2017), pp. 2386-2390,
Singapore, Dec. 2017.
14. B. H. Li and C. Y. Huang, “A
Greedy-Based Method for Modified Condition/Decision Coverage Testing Criterion,”
Proceedings of
the 36th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2017), pp. 244-246, Hong Kong, China, Sept. 2017.
15. S. C. Chang, C. Y. Huang, and J. S. Lin, “Applying
Express-Queue-Based Approach to Software Reliability and Cost Analysis,” Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and
Computing (ICSPCC 2016), pp. 771-776, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2016.
16. K. L. Chen, C. Y. Huang, K. L. Peng, and Y. F. Hou, “Application of Interface
Interaction Model to Automate Embedded Software Testing,”
Proceedings of
the 3rd
International Conference on Smart Sustainable City and Big Data (ICSSC
2015), pp. 30-34, Shanghai, China, July 2015.
17. Y. C. Hsu, C. Y. Huang, and K. L.
Peng, “A Study of Applying Severity-Weighted
Greedy Algorithm to Software Test Case Prioritization during Testing,” Proceedings of the
2014 IEEE International Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2014), pp.
1086-1090, Selangor, Malaysia, Dec. 2014. (nominated
for outstanding paper award)
18. K. L. Peng, C. Y. Huang, P. H. Wang, and C. J. Hsu, “Enhanced
N-Version Programming and Recovery Block Techniques for Web Service Systems,” Proceedings of the
22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software
Engineering, International Workshop on Innovative Software Development
Methodologies and Practices (FSE InnoSWDev 2014), pp.
11-20, Hong Kong, China, Nov. 2014.
19. S. Z. Ke, C. Y. Huang, and K. L. Peng, “Software
Reliability Analysis Considering the Variation of Testing-Effort and
Change-Point,” Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering, International Workshop on Innovative
Software Development Methodologies and Practices (FSE InnoSWDev 2014), pp.
30-39, Hong Kong, China, Nov. 2014.
20. Y. S.
You, C. Y. Huang, K. L. Peng, and C. J. Hsu, “Evaluation and Analysis
of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization with Modified Similarity Coefficients for
Software Debugging,” Proceedings of the 37th Annual IEEE International
Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2013), pp.
180-189, Kyoto, Japan, July 2013. (acceptance rate: 23%)
21. K. L. Peng and C. Y. Huang, “Reliability Assessment and Analysis of
Incorporating Fault Tolerance into Service-Oriented Architectural Systems,” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM
2012), pp. 797-801, Hong
Kong, China, Dec. 2012. (nominated
for outstanding paper award)
22. C. S. Kuo, C. Y. Huang, and S. P. Luan, “A Study of Using
Two-Parameter Generalized Pareto Model to Analyze the Fault Distribution of
Open Source Software,” Proceedings of the
6th IEEE International Conference on Software Security
and Reliability (SERE 2012), pp.
88-97, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, June 2012.
23. J. R. Chang, C. Y. Huang, and P. H. Li, “The Investigation and
Analysis of Classification-Based Algorithms for Modified Condition/Decision
Coverage Criteria,” Proceedings of the
2012 IEEE International Workshop on Information Assurance (IA2012, in
conjunction with SERE 2012), pp. 127-136, Gaithersburg,
Maryland, USA, June 2012.
24. W. N. Liu, C. Y. Huang, C. T. Lin, and P. S. Wang, “An Evaluation
of Applying Testing Coverage Information to Historical-Value-Based Approach for
Test Case Prioritization,” Proceedings of
the 3rd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware 2011), pp.
73-81, Nanning, Guangxi, China, Dec. 2011. (included
in the ACM Digital Library)
25. W. N. Liu, C. Y. Huang, and C. C. Sue, “A Study on Modified
Historical Value-Based Approach for Test Case Prioritization during Software
Development,” Proceedings of the 41st
IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN
2011), pp. 71-74, Hong Kong, China,
June 2011.
26. C. S. Kuo and C. Y. Huang, “A Study of Applying the Bounded Generalized
Pareto Function to the Analysis of Software Fault Distribution,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2010), pp.
611-615, Macau, China, Dec. 2010. (Honorable Mention Best Paper Award)
27. C. T.
Lin, K. W. Tang, J. R. Chang, and C. Y. Huang,
“An Investigation into Whether the NHPP Framework Is Suitable For Software
Reliability Prediction and Estimation,” Proceedings
of the
2010 IEEE International Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2010), pp. 626-630,
Macau, China, Dec. 2010.
28. C. J. Hsu and C. Y. Huang, “A Study on the
Applicability of Modified Genetic Algorithms for the Parameter Estimation of
Software Reliability Modeling,” Proceedings of
the 34th
Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference
(COMPSAC 2010), pp. 531-540, Seoul, South Korea, July 2010. (full paper) (acceptance rate of regular full paper: 20%)
29. Y. C. Huang, C. Y. Huang, J. R. Chang, and T. Y. Chen, “A Study
of Cost-Cognizant Test Case Prioritization Using Genetic Algorithm with Test
History,” Proceedings of the 34th Annual IEEE International
Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2010), pp. 413-418,
Seoul, South Korea, July 2010. (Short paper)
30. C. J. Hsu, N. U. Rodas, C. Y. Huang, and K. L. Peng, “A Study
of Improving the Accuracy of Software Effort Estimation Using Linearly Weighted
Combinations,” Proceedings of the 3rd
IEEE International Workshop on Barriers towards Internet-Driven Information
Services (BINDIS 2010), pp. 98-103, Seoul, South
Korea, July 2010.
31. C. T.
Lin and C. Y. Huang, “Quantifying the
Influences of Imperfect Debugging on Software Development Using Simulation
Approach,” Proceedings of 2009
International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering & Its
Applications, Special Session on Advanced Technologies for Software Reliability
and Safety (ATSRS 2009), pp. 305-312, Dec. 2009, Jeju Island, Korea.
32. T. H. Tsai, C. Y. Huang, and J. R. Chang, “A Study of Applying
Extended PIE Technique to Software Testability Analysis,” Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International
Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2009), pp. 89-98, Seattle, Washington, July 2009. (acceptance rate of regular full paper: 20%)
33. C. Y. Huang, T. Y. Hung, and C. J. Hsu, “Software
Reliability Prediction and Analysis Using Queueing Models with Multiple
Change-Points,” Proceedings of the Third
IEEE International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability
Improvement (SSIRI 2009), pp. 206-215,
Shanghai, China, July 2009. (acceptance rate of regular full paper: 25.2%)
34. C. J. Hsu and C. Y. Huang, “Reliability Analysis Using Weighted
Combinational Models for Web-based Software,” Proceedings of the 18th International World Wide Web
Conference (WWW 2009), pp. 1131-1132, Madrid, Spain, April 2009.
35. Y. M. Chung, C. Y. Huang, and Y. C. Huang, “A Study of Modified
Testing-Based Fault Localization Method,” Proceedings of the
14th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC
2008), pp. 168-175, Taipei,
Taiwan, Dec. 2008.
36. C. T.
Lin and C. Y. Huang, “Modeling the Software Failure Correlations When Test
Automation Is Adopted during the Software Development,” Proceedings of the
19th IEEE International
Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2008), pp. 307-308, Seattle, Washington, Nov.
2008. (Student Travel Grant Award)
37. C. J. Hsu, C. Y. Huang, and T. Y. Chen, “A Modified Genetic
Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of Software Reliability Growth Models,” Proceedings
of the 19th IEEE International
Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2008), pp. 281-282, Seattle, Washington, Nov. 2008.
38. C. J. Hsu and C. Y. Huang, “Integrating Path Testing with Software Reliability
Estimation Using Control Flow Graph,” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation
& Technology (ICMIT 2008), pp. 1234-1239,
Bangkok, Thailand, Sept. 2008. (EI)
39. J. W. Lin, C. Y. Huang, and C. T. Lin, “Test Suite Reduction
Analysis with Enhanced Tie-Breaking Techniques,” Proceedings of the
4th IEEE International Conference on
Management of Innovation & Technology (ICMIT 2008), pp. 1228-1233, Bangkok, Thailand, Sept.
2008. (EI)
40. C. H. Chen, C. Y. Huang, J. R. Chang, and J. W. Lin, “Delay
Analysis of Admission Control Mechanism for Supporting QoS in 802.11e,” Proceedings
of the 4th IEEE International
Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology (ICMIT 2008), pp. 1222-1227, Bangkok, Thailand, Sept.
2008. (EI)
41. J. R. Chang, C. Y. Huang, and T. H. Tsai, “Software Testability
Analysis Using Extended PIE Method,” CD-ROM
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE
International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2007),
Trollhättan, Sweden, Nov. 2007. (Student Travel Grant Award)
42. C. J. Hsu and C. Y. Huang, “Improving Effort
Estimation Accuracy by Weighted Grey Relational Analysis During Software
Development Process,” Proceedings of the 14th Asia-Pacific
Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2007), pp. 534-541, Nagoya, Japan,
Dec. 2007.
43. C. T. Lin and C. Y. Huang, “Analyzing the Service
Level of Software Debugging System through Simulation-based Queuing Approach,” Proceedings
of the 14th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2007),
pp. 566, Nagoya, Japan, Dec. 2007. (poster paper)
44. J. R. Chang and C. Y. Huang, “A Study of the Enhanced MC/DC
Coverage Criterion for Software Testing,” Proceedings of the
31st IEEE Annual International Computer Software and
Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007), pp. 457-464, Beijing, China,
July 2007. (EI, INSPEC) (acceptance
rate of regular full paper: 18%)
45. C. T. Lin, C. Y. Huang, and C. C. Sue, “Measuring and Assessing Software Reliability Growth
Through Simulation-Based Approaches,” Proceedings of the
31st IEEE Annual International Computer Software and
Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007), pp. 439-446, Beijing, China,
July 2007. (EI, INSPEC) (acceptance rate of regular full paper: 18%)
46. W. C.
Huang, C. Y. Huang, and C. C. Sue, “Software Reliability Prediction and
Assessment Using both Finite and Infinite Server Queuing Approaches,” Proceedings
of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Pacific Rim Dependable
Computing (PRDC 2006), pp. 194-201, Dec. 2006, Riverside, CA, USA. (EI)
47. C. H.
Yang, C. Y. Huang, T. Y. Hung, T.
J. Chiang, and Y.
R. Chang, “Software and Hardware Co-design for MP3 Decoder,” CD-ROM Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Region 10
Conference (TENCON 2006), November 2006, Hong Kong, China.
48. C. H.
Wu, C. Y. Huang, and J. R. Chang, “Application-Specific RISC
Architecture for ITU-T G.729 Decoding Processing,” CD-ROM
Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2006),
November 2006, Hong Kong, China.
49. C. C.
Chen, C. T. Lin, H. H. Huang, S. W. Huang, and C. Y. Huang, “CARATS: A
Computer-Aided Reliability Assessment Tool for Software Based on
Object-Oriented Design,” CD-ROM Proceedings
of 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2006),
November 2006, Hong Kong, China.
50. J. W.
Lin, M. F. Yang, C. Y. Huang, and C. T. Lin, “Reliable Hierarchical
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Systems,” CD-ROM Proceedings
of 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2006),
November 2006, Hong Kong, China.
51. C. T.
Lin and C. Y. Huang,
“Software Release Time Management: How to Use Reliability Growth Models to Make
Better Decisions,” Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and
Technology (ICMIT 2006),
pp. 658-662, June 2006, Singapore. (EI)
52. C. J. Hsu and C. Y. Huang, “Comparison and Assessment of Improved Grey Relation Analysis
for Software Development Effort Estimation,” Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on
Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2006), pp. 663-667, June
2006, Singapore. (EI)
53. C. C.
Sue, W. R. Chen, and C. Y. Huang, “Design and Analysis of a Fully
Non-blocking Quantum Switch,” Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Innovative
Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2006), pp. 421-424, Sept. 2006, Beijing, China. (EI)
54. C. T.
Lin, C. Y. Huang, and J. R. Chang, “Cost-Effective Determination of
Software Optimal Release Time Considering Quality Control,” CD-ROM Proceedings
of the
36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (ICCIE 2006), June 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.
55. C. J.
Hsu, C. Y. Huang, and T. Y. Hung, “A Study of Applying Grey Relational
Analysis to Software Effort Estimation,” CD-ROM Proceedings
of the 36th
International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (ICCIE 2006), June 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.
56. C. Y.
Huang and C. T. Lin,
“Reliability Prediction and Assessment of Fielded Software Based on Multiple
Change-Point Models,” Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Pacific Rim Dependable Computing
(PRDC 2005), pp.
379-386, Dec. 2005, Changsha, Hunan, China. (This paper was ranked number 1 with the highest average score at
PRDC 2005)
57. C. T.
Lin, C. Y. Huang, and J.
R. Jang, “Integrating Generalized Weibull Testing-Effort Function and Multiple Change-Points
into Software Reliability Growth Models,” Proceedings of the 12th
Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2005), IEEE Computer
Society Press, pp.
431-438, Dec. 2005, Taipei, Taiwan. (EI)
58. C. T.
Lin and C. Y. Huang,
“Software Reliability Modeling with Weibull-type Testing-Effort and Multiple
Change-Points,” CD-ROM Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2005), Nov. 2005, Melbourne, Australia. (EI)
59. Y. S.
Su, C. Y. Huang, Y. S.
Chen, and J. X. Chen, “An
Artificial Neural-Network-Based Approach to Software Reliability Assessment,” CD-ROM Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Region 10
Conference (TENCON
2005), Nov. 2005, Melbourne, Australia. (EI)
60. H. K.
Lo, C. Y. Huang, Y. R. Chang, W.
C. Huang, and J. R. Jang, “Sensitivity Analysis of Embedded Systems
Using Modular Dynamic Fault Trees,” CD-ROM Proceedings
of the 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2005),
Nov. 2005, Melbourne, Australia. (EI)
61. C. T.
Lin, C. Y. Huang, T. W. Liao, C. H. Chiu, W. C.
Huang, and K. R. Jeng, “An
Adaptive Change-Point NHPP Model for Software Reliability
Assessment,” Proceedings of the 6th
ROC Symposium on Reliability and Maintainability, pp. 231-241, Sept. 2005,
Taichung, Taiwan.
62. C. Y.
Huang, C. T. Lin, and C.
C. Sue, “Software Reliability Prediction and Analysis during Operational
Use,” Proceedings of the 3rd
IEEE International
Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE
2005), pp. 317-321,
June 2005, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
63. C. C.
Sue, M. S. Shieh, and C. Y. Huang,
“Dependable WDM Networks with Reconfigurable Edge-Disjoint p-cycles,” Proceedings of the 3rd
IEEE International
Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE
2005), Ipp. 126-130, June
2005, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
64. J. W. S. Liu, B. Y. Wang, H.
Y. Liao, C. Y. Huang, C. S. Shih, T. W. Kuo, and A. C. Pang, “Reference Architecture of
Intelligent Appliances for the Elderly,” Proceedings
of the 18th International Conference on Systems
(ICSEng’05), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 447-455, August 2005, Las Vegas, USA.
65. J. W. S.
Liu, B.Y. Wang, H. Y. Liao, C. S. Shih, T. W. Kuo, A. C. Pang and C. Y.
Huang, “Component-Based Medical and Assistive Devices and Systems,” Position Paper for High Confidence Medical
Device Software and Systems Workshop (HCMDSS), June 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
66. C. Y. Huang, C. T. Lin, S. Y.
Kuo, M. R. Lyu, and C. C. Sue,
“Software Reliability Growth Models Incorporating Fault Dependency with Various
Debugging Time Lags,” Proceedings of the 28th IEEE
Annual International Computer Software and
Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2004), pp. 186-191, Sept.
2004, Hong Kong.
67. C. Y. Huang, C. T. Lin, J. H. Lo, and C. C. Sue, “Effect of Fault Dependency and Debugging Time Lag on
Software Error Models,” Proceedings of
the 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference
(TENCON 2004), pp. 243-246, Nov. 2004, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (EI)
68. C. Y. Huang, C. T. Lin, and C. C. Sue, “Considering Fault Dependency
and Debugging Time Lag in Software Reliability Modeling during Testing,” Proceedings of the
13th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2004), pp. 378-383, Nov.
2004, Kenting, Taiwan. (EI)
J. H. Lo and C. Y. Huang, “Incorporating Imperfect Debugging into Software Fault Correction Process,” Proceedings
of the 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference
(TENCON 2004), pp. 326-329, Nov. 2004, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (EI)
C. C. Sue, J. Y. Yeh, Y.
C. Chen, and C. Y. Huang, “Tolerating Multiple Faults in WDM Networks without Wavelength Conversion,” Proceedings
of the 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference
(TENCON 2004), pp. 89-92, Nov. 2004, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (EI)
71. C. C.
Sue, J. Y. Yeh, and C. Y. Huang,
“Full Restoration of Multiple Faults in WDM Networks without Wavelength Conversion,”
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2004), pp.
400-405, Nov. 2004, Kenting, Taiwan. (EI)
C. C. Sue, Y. C. Chen, C. Y. Huang, and J. Y. Yeh,
“Multiple Faults in WDM Networks Without Wavelength Conversion,” Proceedings of the 1st IFIP International
Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2004), pp.
12-15, June 2004, Sultan Qaboos University Muscat, Oman.
C. Y. Huang, J. H.
Lo, S. Y. Kuo, and M. R. Lyu, “Optimal Allocation of Testing-Resource
considering Cost, Reliability, and Testing-Effort,” Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Pacific
Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2004), pp.
103-112, March 2004, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia.
74. C. C.
Sue, J. Y. Ye, C. Y. Huang,
and Y. C. Chen, “Wavelength Routing with Spare Reconfiguration for All-Optical
WDM Networks,” Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication
Technology (ICACT 2004), pp. 173-178, Feb. 2004, Phoenix Park,
Republic of Korea.
75. C. Y. Huang, J. H. Lo, J. W.
Lin, C. C. Sue, and C. T. Lin, “Optimal Resource Allocation and Sensitivity
Analysis for Software Modular Testing,” Proceedings
of the 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Multimedia Software
Engineering (ISMSE 2003), pp. 231-238, Dec. 2003, Taichung, Taiwan.
76. J. H.
Lo, C. Y. Huang, S. Y. Kuo, and M. R. Lyu, “Sensitivity Analysis of
Software Reliability for Component-Based Software Applications,” Proceedings of the
27th IEEE Annual
International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC
2003), pp. 500-505, Nov. 2003, Dallas, Texas, USA. (EI)
77. C. Y. Huang, J. H. Lo, C. C.
Sue, and B. T. Lin, “A Study of Software Reliability Growth Modeling with
Logistic Testing-Effort Function and Change-Point,” Proceedings of the 5th ROC Symposium on Reliability and Maintainability,
pp. 509-522, Nov. 2003, Taichung, Taiwan.
78. C. Y. Huang, J. H. Lo, J. W. Lin, and B. T. Lin, “Analysis of
Optimal Software Release Time Based on a Testing-Effort Dependent Reliability
Model,” Proceedings of the 2003 National Computer Symposium (NCS'03),
pp. 2005-2012, Dec. 2003, Taichung, Taiwan.
79. C. Y. Huang, J. H. Lo, S. Y.
Kuo, and M. R. Lyu, “Optimal Allocation of Testing Resources for Modular
Software Systems,” Proceedings of the
13th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability
Engineering (ISSRE 2002), pp. 129-138, Nov. 2002, Annapolis,
Maryland, USA. (EI)
80. J. H. Lo
and S. Y. Kuo, M. R. Lyu, and C. Y. Huang, “Optimal Resource Allocation
and Reliability Analysis for Component-Based Software Applications,” Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Annual
International Computer Software and Applications Conference
(COMPSAC 2002), pp. 7-12, Aug. 2002, Oxford, England.
81. J. W.
Lin, J. C. Tsai, and C. Y. Huang,
“A Dynamical Redirection Approach to Enhancing Mobile IP with Fault Tolerance
in Cellular Systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE 2002
Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2002),
Nov. 2002, Taipei, Taiwan. (EI)
82. J. H. Lo
and S. Y. Kuo, and C. Y. Huang,
“Reliability Modeling Incorporating Error Processes for Internet-Distributed
Software,” Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON
2001), pp. 1-7, Aug. 2001, Singapore. (EI)
83. J. H. Lo
and S. Y. Kuo, and C. Y. Huang,
“Modeling Fault Detection and Correction Processes in Software Reliability
Models,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Reliability,
Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS 2001), Aug. 2001, DaLian, China.
84. C. Y.
Huang, S. Y. Kuo, M. R. Lyu, and J. H. Lo, “Quantitative
Software Reliability Modeling from Testing to Operation,” Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability
Engineering (ISSRE 2000), pp. 72-82, Oct. 2000, San Jose, California,
85. C. Y.
Huang, S. Y. Kuo, and M. R. Lyu, “Effort-Index-Based Software Reliability
Growth Models and Performance Assessment,” Proceedings
of the 24th IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC
2000), pp. 454-459, Oct. 2000, Taipei, Taiwan. (EI)
86. C. Y.
Huang, J. H. Lo, S. Y. Kuo, and M. R. Lyu, “Software
Reliability Modeling and Cost Estimation Incorporating Testing-Effort and
Efficiency,” Proceedings of the 10th IEEE
Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'99), pp.
62-72, Nov. 1999, Boca Raton, FL, USA. (EI)
87. C. Y.
Huang, S. Y. Kuo, and M. R. Lyu, “Optimal Software Release
Policy Based on Cost, Reliability and Testing Efficiency,” Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Applications
Conference (COMPSAC'99), pp. 468-473, Oct. 1999, Phoenix, Arizona,
88. C. Y.
Huang, J. H. Lo and S. Y. Kuo, “A Pragmatic Study of
Parametric Decomposition Models for Estimating Software Reliability Growth,” Proceedings of the
9th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability
Engineering (ISSRE'98), pp. 111-123, Nov. 1998, Paderborn, Germany. (EI)
89. C. Y.
Huang, S. Y. Kuo and I. Y. Chen, “Analysis of a Software
Reliability Growth Model with Logistic Testing-Effort Function,” Proceedings of the
8th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability
Engineering (ISSRE'97), pp. 378-388, Nov. 1997, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, USA. (EI)
Last updated: 8/21/2024