ISSS'98 is the 11th in a very
series of symposia oriented towards design automation professionals. At
the symposium the latest results in emerging system design and synthesis
technologies are presented. Original technical papers on, but not limited
to, the following topics are invited:
System-level synthesis: Partitioning, transformations, design reuse,
quality measure, estimation, specification languages and models,
forms, embedded processor synthesis.
Hardware-software co-design: Hardware/software tradeoffs, interfaces
and communications, co-simulation, co-emulation and co-synthesis, embedded
system architectures, system exploration, system testbench development,
design automation for rapid system prototyping.
Programmable (multi-)processor-based design and synthesis: ASIPs,
code generation, instruction-set specification, design and simulation,
high-level code transformations.
System design experience and methodologies: Application-specific
parallel/distributed systems, industrial telecom, robotics, vision, video,
audio and speech processing systems, formalized design methodology, process
Embedded and real-time system software: Software development,
specification, process scheduling, real-time operating systems, distributed
High-level and architectural synthesis: Datapath, control, memory,
and interface synthesis from behavioral specifications, clocking/timing
optimization, physical design models for high-level tradeoffs, hardware
Synthesis for low power, testability and verifiability in the above
Submitted papers should be 6 pages or less in IEEE 2-column style (10pt),
as close as possible to the final content. They should clearly specify
contributions and results, and include a separate cover page with the
paper title, complete name, address, telephone, fax, and email address
of each author, identification of the corresponding author, and the category
(numbered 1-7 above) most closely matching the paper's content. Papers
exceeding the page limit will be returned to the authors. Submissions
sent to other forums will not be considered. The symposium proceedings
will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Everyone is strongly
encouraged to submit the paper and cover page electronically as explained
on our web page ( under the "Call for
papers/submission instructions"). If you do not have access to a web browser
you may also send the uuencoded gzipped (standard) Postscript paper and
separate cover page (in ASCII format) to the email address
If electronic submission is infeasible, 8 copies of the paper should be
send along with the cover page to the Program Chair at the following
Allen C.-H. Wu, ISSS'98,
Computer Science Department, Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Tel: 886-3-5715131 ext 3517 ; Fax: 886-3-5723694
Author's schedule:
Submission deadline: April 5, 1998
Notification of Acceptance: June 5, 1998
Camera-ready copies: July 5, 1998
Steering Committee:
General Chair: Francky Catthoor, IMEC
Honorary Chair: C. L. Liu, Tsing Hua U.
Program Chair: Allen C.-H. Wu, Tsing Hua U.
Publications Chair: L.-G. Chen. Taiwan U.
Panels Chair: Nikil Dutt, U. C. Irvine
Publicity Co-Chairs: J.-M. Shyu, ITRI
I.-J. Huang, Sun Yat-Sen U.
Finance Chair: W.-Z. Shen, Chiao Tung U.
Local Arrangement Chair: Y.-L. Lin, Tsing Hua U.
Past Chair: Frank Vahid, U. C. Riverside
Technical Program Committee:
Marleen Ade, K.U. Leuven
Gaetano Borriello, Univ. Washington
Raul Camposano, Synopsys
Nikil Dutt, U.C. Irvine
Rolf Ernst, Tech. Univ. Braunschweig
Masahiro Fujita, Fujitsu
Daniel Gajski, U.C. Irvine
Cathy Gebotys, Univ. Waterloo
Yu-Chin Hsu, Avant!
Ahmed A. Jerraya, TIMA
Kayhan Kucukcakar, Escalade Corp.
Fadi Kurdahi, U.C. Irvine
Steve Y.L. Lin, Tsing Hua Univ.
Paul Lippens, Philips
Jan Madsen, Tech. Univ. Denmark
Lev Markov, Mentor Graphics
Peter Marwedel, Univ. Dortmund
Vijay Nagasamy, VSIS Inc.
Yukihiro Nakamura, Kyoto Univ.
Sanjiv Narayan, Cadence Design Systems
Kevin O'brien, Leda
B. Ramakrishna(Bob)Rau, HP Labs.
Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Univ. Tubingen, FZI
Edwin Sha, Univ. Notre Dame
Leon Stok, IBM
Donald Thomas, CMU
Diederik Verkest, IMEC
Kazutoshi Wakabayashi, NEC
Robert Walker, Kent State Univ.
Wayne Wolf, Princeton
Hiroto Yasuura, Kyushu Univ.