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CS3331: Numerical Methods
Quiz 4
May. 30, 1997

(3%) Let y' = y2 + et. Write down the recurrent relationship between yn+1 (=y(tn+1)) and yn (= y(tn)) for each of the following methods:
Forward Euler method.
Modified Euler method.
Backward Euler method.
(You don't need to express yn+1 as an explicit function of yn and tn.)

(2%) The modified Euler method is derived by applying the trapezoidal rule to solution of y'=f(y,t):

y_{n+1} = y_n + \frac{\textstyle h}{\textstyle 2}
 [f(y_{n+1}, t_{n+1})+f(y_n, t_n)].\end{displaymath}

If we want to use the successive substitution method to find yn+1, what is the range of h for convergence?

(3%) Please fill up the following table in terms of the integration step h:
  Forward Euler method Modified Euler method Backward Euler method
Order of local error      
Order of global error      
(RK method = Runge-Kutta method)

(4%) Put the following higher-order ODEs into the standard format ${\bf y}' = {\bf f}({\bf y}, t)$, where ${\bf y}$ is a vector of variables and ${\bf f}$ is a vector of functions. (Remember to specify the initial conditions ${\bf y}(0)$.)
y'''(t)+2y''(t)+3y'(t)+4y(t)=g(t), where y(0)=y0, y'(0)=y'0, and y''(0)=y''0.
$y''(t)+y'(t)+y(t)+\int_0^t y(s)ds=g(t)$, where y(0)=y0, and y'(0)=y'0.

(4%) Let y' = f(y, t) = y2+et.
Express y'' in terms of y and t.
Express y''' in terms of y and t.

(2%) Let y' = y2+et. What are the k1 and k2 (in terms of yn and tn) for the second-order Runge-Kutta method?

(3%) Please fill up the following table in terms of the integration step h:
  2nd-order RK method 3rd-order RK method 4th-order RK method
Order of local error      
Order of global error      

(2%) What is the shooting method good for?

The exact solution for $y'=-\alpha y$ is $y=y_0 e^{-\alpha t}$. Suppose that y0 and $\alpha$ is positive, so y(t) is positive for all t.
(1%) Write down the forward Euler formula for $y'=-\alpha y$.
(2%) What is the range for h such that the yn remains positive for all n? Does yn converge or diverge for a given h in the range?
(2%) What is the range for h such that the sign of yn alternates at each step, but still converge to as n goes to infinity?
(2%) What is the range for h such that the sign of yn alternates at each step, and the absolute value of yn diverge to infinity as n goes to infinity?

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J.-S. Roger Jang