
fcmtest.mFind center of Fuzzy C-means clustering with 2 dimensions datasets.
fcm.mFind clusters with Fuzzy C-means clustring.
distfcm.mDistances measure in Fuzzy C-means clustering.
initfcm.mGenerate initial fuzzy partition martix for FCM .
stepfcm.mOne step in FCM.
hcmtest.mFind centers of Hard C-means clustering with 2-D datasets.
hcm.mFind clusters with Hard C-means clustring.
inithcm.mGenerate initial cluster center s by randomly selecting C points fromamong all of the data points.
disthcm.mDistances measure between all points ans centers with HCM.
mfuhcm.mDetermine the menbership matrix U of hard C-means.
compare.mThis program is used to compare the performance between hard C-meansand fuzzy C-means.
sepclust.mSEPCLUST seprate clusters by finding the minimum distance between clustercentroids.
pihcm.mPIHCM finds the total variation to the size of the data set in HardC-means.
pifcm.mPIFCM finds the total variation to the size of the data set in FuzzyC-means.
combinate.mout = combinat(obj, n) returns combinations of obj with n distinctelements. For instance: combinat([1 2 3 4 5], 2) or combinat('abcde', 3).