Some states are identified as accepting states. Some transitions are computed nondeterministically. An input is accepted if some computation puts the apex processor into an accepting state. An input is rejected if no computation puts the apex processor into an accepting state. For example, the table below shows transitions for a 3-state NTA. States are labeled by characters "a", "b", and "c"; the only accepting state is "c".
The diagram below shows two computations for the input "bba". The computation on the left rejects the input since the state of the apex is "a"; but the computation on the right accepts the input since the state of the apex is "c". Since some computation results in an accepting state for the apex, the input "bba" is accepted by the NTA. The input "bbb" would be rejected by this NTA since the only computation results in the state "a" for the apex.
The states (and inputs) of an NTA are consecutive lowercase letters. Thus the states for a 5-state NTA are "a", "b", "c", "d", and "e". Accepting states are grouped at the end of the letters so that if a 5-state NTA has two accepting states, the accepting states are "d" and "e".
The input for your program is a sequence of NTA descriptions and initial configurations. An NTA description is given by the number of states n followed by the number of accepting states on one line separated by whitespace. The n x n transition table follows in row-major order; each transition string is given on a separate line. Each NTA description is followed by a sequence of initial configurations, one per line. A line of "#" terminates the sequence of initial configurations for that NTA. An NTA description in which the number of states is zero terminates the input for your program.
NTAs will have at most 15 states, initial configuration will be at most 15 characters.
For each NTA description, print the number of the NTA (NTA 1, NTA 2, etc. ). For each initial configuration of an NTA print the word "accept" or "reject" followed by a copy of the initial configuration.
3 1 a a c ca a b c b a bba aaaaa abab babbba a baaab abbbaba baba bcbab # 3 2 ab a c a ab b c b ab abc cbc # 0 0
NTA 1 accept bba reject abab accept babbba reject a reject aaaaa accept baaab accept abbbaba accept baba reject bcbab NTA 2 reject abc accept cbc