Computer Architecture Spring 2024
CS 410000 -- 計算機結構
(last update: 20241209)
- 授課老師:黃婷婷
( Office:資電館 R442 分機:31310
- TA:林承賢 ( ) Online office hours : (二) 19:00 ~ 21:00
- TA:王睿杰 ( ) Online office hours : (三) 19:00 ~ 21:00
- TA:唐梧遷 ( ) Online office hours : (四) 19:00 ~ 21:00
- 課程公告
- 截至今日各組答題數: 目前答題數 20241209更新
- 網路學習平台
- 上課大綱及講義
- Class sheet
- 課程相關資源:
- Simulation tools:
- Please go to the website to download MARS (website here)
- MARS is developed with Java language, and it requires JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on your computer. Please go to the website to download JRE: (website here)
Read Appendix A of the text book for its usage.
The following description assumes that you have an account on the workstation, e.g. cs20 - 24.
- Create a directory, say spim, under your home directory
- Link everything under cs20:~king/tools/spim as follows:
%ln -s ~king/tools/spim spim
- Read the README file for setting the environment variable for running xspim.
Information of compiling a C program into MIPS assemly code can also be found there.
- To run the simulator only, type spim or xspim
- To generate trace, run the simulator as follows:
%spim -trace -file MIPS_program_file.s > trace_file
Each record in the trace file has the following format:
[0x00400000] 0x8fa40000 lw $4, 0($29); 102: lw $a0, 0($sp)
where the first field is the address of the instruction, the second field is its binary code, the third field is the assembly
code, and the fourth field is the corresponding source assembly code
Windows version of SPIM
- Get it from here. However, you still need compiled MIPS assembly code as
input to PCSPIM (see description above).
- Dinero:
- Download the dineroIV
package (website here)
- According to the instructions in the README file, install the package
- The subdirectory testing contains two sample trace files, mm.32 and
They store the trace information in the pixie32 format.
You may like to use these trace files to familiarize yourself with dineroIV.
- To run dineroIV with mm.32, use the following command at the dineroIV main directory:
cat testing/mm.32 | dineroIV -informat p .....
- Benchmarks:
- Related links: