旧痴痁厩ネ虫の痴阶ゅ肈ヘ(Supervised Ph.D. Dissertations)
砛紋藉 (Ching-Hsien Hsu), ¨Efficient Methods for Run-Time Array Redistribution,〃 January 1999.
郭紋篴 (Ching-Jung Liao), ¨Efficient Partitioning and Load Balancing Methods for Finite Element Graphs on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,〃 June 1999.
狶玊瞁 (Chun-Yuan Lin), "Efficient Data Parallel Program Design for Multi-Dimensional Array Operations Based on the Extended Karnaugh Map Representation Scheme," June 2003.
狶網 (Chin-Feng Lin), "Efficient Parallel Volume Rendering Methods on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," January 2004.
郭糴 (Shih-Kuan Liao), "Time Varying Volume Data Rendering," June 2004.
瑇 (Che-Lun Hung), "Efficient Algorithms for Triple-wise Alignment and its Applications," March 2010.
玊藉 (Chun-Hsien Wu), "Deployment Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks," June 2010.
㏄古現 (Jia-Zheng Zhou), "Routing in Interconnection Networks and Its Applications," March 2011.
ㄤ (Po-Chi Shih), "Improving Parallel Job Scheduling Performance in Multi-Cluster through Look-Ahead Processor Allocation," July 2012.
霉稻 (Shih-Hsiang Lo), "Optimization Techniques for Reducing Data Communication Costs on GPU Systems," March 2013.
灵猌 (Wu-Chun Chung), "Decentralized Management of Resource Information and Discovery in Large-Scale Distributed Computing," April 2013.
瑇供碟 (Ding-Yong Hong), "Efficient and Retargetable Dynamic Binary Translation," April 2013.
狶癮驾 (Xuan-Yi Lin), "Master-Worker Paradigm on TILE64 Many-Core Platform," June 2013.
糕范岸 (Yu-Wei Chan), "Resource Sharing Strategies for Multi-Channel Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks Using Locality-Aware and Game Theoretic Approaches," June 2013.
琠 (Kenn Slagter), "Load Balancing and Data Placement in MapReduce," November 2013.
嘲俯 (Ssu-Hsuan Lu), "A Self-Scaling Overlay Network Based on Arrangement Graph," January 2014.
フキ (Fang-Ping Bai), "An Ontology-Driven Multi-Agent Information Fusion Framework to Enhance Situation Awareness," July 2016.
馋 (Moïse Wendkuuni Convolb), "Scheduling Techniques on Cloud Resources under Cost and Performance Requirements," July 2017
狶稻 (Yu-Hsiang Lin), "A New API Remoting Policy for General-Propose Computing on GPU Virtualization and its Application on Biological Tools," January 2018.
陈 (Yuang Chen), "High-Performance Graph Processing on Multicore Systems," June 2022.
单 镀 (Ao Shan), "Imbalanced Data Classification Problems Based on Data Complexity," November 2023.
陈伟眑 (Weibin Chen), "Profile-Guided Optimization for Function Reordering: Algorithm and Application," September 2024
旧河痁厩ネ虫の河阶ゅ肈ヘ(Supervised Master Theses)
腑懂 (Yaa-Jyun Yeh), ¨Parallel Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms for Solution-Adaptive Finite Element Graphs on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors,〃 June 1994.
猌颈 (Wu-Hsun Ho), ¨PPT: A Parallel Programming Tool for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors,〃 June 1995.
朝城 (Shih-Jey Chen), ¨HCL - An Implementation of Message Passing Interface on Workstation Clusters,〃 June 1996.
フ秤ゅ (Sheng-Wen Bai), ¨A Generalized Basic-Cycle Calculation Technique for Efficient Array Redistribution,〃 June 1998.
く醇 (Jen-Chih Yu), ¨Efficient Compositing Methods for the Sort-Last-Sparse Parallel Volume Rendering System on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,〃 June 1999.
朝в裹 (Chih-Chang Chen), ¨A Dynamic Diffusion Optimization Method for Irregular Finite Element Graph Partitioning,〃 June 1999.
绰く (Chao-Jen Lee), ¨A Web-Based Parallel PDE Solver Generation System for Distributed Memory Computing Environments,〃 June 2000.
狶玊瞁 (Chun-Yuan Lin), ¨Efficient Algorithms for Multi-Dimensional Matrix Operations,〃 June 2000.
硷﹚ (Ching-Ting Pan), ¨An Efficient Hash Based Method for Discovering the Maximal Frequent Set,〃 June 2001.
法皇 (Su-Ming Yang), ¨The Design and Implementation of an IAM2000s C Compiler,〃 June 2001.
朝コ鑒 (Wu-Hong Chen), ¨A Real-Time Flight Control Embedded System Based on mC/OS-II Kernel,〃 June 2001.
纒睲篴 (Ching-Jung Long), ¨Efficient Load Balancing Methods for Cellular Mobile Networks,〃 January 2002.
眎肚 (Chun-Hsing Chang), ¨A Configurable Hard Real-Time Operating System Based on uC/OS-II Kernel for Flight Controls,〃 June 2002
讲じ箭 (Yuan-Chang Tsai), ¨An Integrated Design for Automatic System Development Tool Kits Generation,〃 June 2002.
玊藉 (Chun-Hsien Wu), ¨A Service Composition Framework for Service Discovery/Delivery Based on SLP,〃 June 2002.
綠繫 (Kuen-Lin Cheng), ¨The Integration of GPS and GIS on PDAs,〃 June 2002.
狶脖 (Jen-Shen Lin), ¨Image Compression by Adjacent Decomposed Bit-Plane Substitution,〃 June 2002.
狶癮驾 (Xuan-Yi Lin), "An Efficient Communication Scheme for Fat-Tree Topology on InfiniBand Networks," June 2003.
甝皇 (Yao-Ming Sun), "An Efficient Deadlock-Free Tree-Based Routing Algorithm for Irregular Wormhole-Routed Networks Based on the Turn Model," June 2004.
㏄古現 (Zhia-Zheng Zhou), "Multicast in Fat-Tree-Based InfiniBand Networks," July 2004.
狶驾 (Chang-Yi Lin), "An Adaptive Migratory Home Protocol for Software Distributed Shared Memory Systems," July 2004.
沫甶 (Yun-Chan Lee), "A Hybrid Wavelet-Based Video Codec with Low Computational Complexity, Memory Efficiency, and Scalability," June 2005.
纯秜 (Ssu-Chun Tseng), "A Scalable and Robust Scheme Based on the Multiple Description Coding for Low Bit-Rate Speech Coders," July 2005.
蔼緼皇 (Tse-Ming Kao), "A Multithreaded DSM System with Thread Migration for Memory Locality over InfiniBand," July 2005.
瓣煌 (Kuo-Chuan Lee), "A Delaunay Triangulation Based Method for Wireless Sensor Network Deployment," July 2005.
尝陪 (Hsien-Ting Kuo), "An Efficient and Low Overhead Random Forwarding Table Construction Method for Deadlock-Free Routing Algorithms in InfiniBand Networks," July 2005.
瑇供碟 (Ding-Yong Hong), "An Efficient MPI-IO for Noncontiguous I/O over InfiniBand," July 2005.
糂ビ (Shen-En Liu), "Hardware Supported Multicast in Tow-Dimensional Mesh InfiniBand Networks," July 2005.
蔼岸窜 (Wei-ching kao), "An embedded Print Server," September 2005.
綠ヵ蝶 (Yang-Ping Cheng), "A Performance-Efficient Task Duplication- Based Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Computing," September 2005.
砛 (Tse-Yu Hsu), "A Register Allocation Algorithm for Shared and Clustered Hybrid Register File Organization," June 2006.
狶﹕晶 (Meng-Ru Lin), CFR: A Peer-to-Peer Collaborative File Repository System," June 2006.
村睲ゅ (Ching-Wen Yu), "SPE A Programming Environment for Wireless Sensor Networks," June 2006.
碸竡惩 (Yi-Kai Pong), "Applying Curve Fitting Techniques to Construct the Synopsis of Data Streams," June 2006.
玊Щ (Jiun-Hung Ding), "SEMU: A Framework of Simulation Environment for Wireless Sensor Networks," June 2006.
霉稻 (Shih-Hsiang Lo), "Cooperative Localization with Pre-Knowledge using Bayesian Network for Wireless Sensor Networks," June 2006.
ゅ (Wen-Li Tang), "A Fast, Flexible, and Precise Simulation Framework for Starfish DSP Architecture," July 2006.
苦в揩 (Chih-Han Lai), "A Construction of Peer-to-Peer Streaming System Based on Flexible Locality-Aware Overlay Networks," June 2007.
眎窗竡 (Tun-Yi Chang), "Taking Advantage of Multi-Core Architecture in Disk Array," June 2007.
甪 (Yu-Chen Wu), "Dynamic Helper Threaded Prefetching on the Multi-Core Software RAID," June 2007.
繟 (Chin-Wei Tang), "A System-Level Simulation Framework for Performance Evaluation of Hardware-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems," July 2007.
綠﹕聓 (Meng-Hsuan Cheng), "A VLIW-Based Post Compilation Framework for Multimedia Embedded DSPs with Hardware Specific Optimizations," July 2007.
讲蝴 (Wei-Lun Tsai), "A Tag-Based Overlay Network for Defending Against DDoS Attack," June 2007.
晶 (Yan-Zu Wu), "A Extended Shared and Clustered Register Files Organization Wired SCRF Architecture," July 2007.
林﹙揩 (Chung Han Lin), "M-Ring : A Distributed, Self-Organize, Load Balancing Communication Method on Super Peer Network," July 2007.
瑇竧 (Sheng-Je Hung), "A Pipeline and Macroblock-Level Parallelism Architecture Design for H.264/AVC Baseline Decoder," July 2007.
狶肝癡 (Yi-Hsin Lin), "Reduce Leakage Power of JPEG Image on Asymmetric SRAM," July 2008.
﹙癮 (Chung-Hsuan Ho), "Malugo: A Peer-to-Peer Storage System," July 2008.
谅﹕晶 (Meng-Ju Hsieh), "Minimize The Distance of Failure Location for Automatic Debugging Technique with Improved State-Coverage mechanism," July 2008.
朝в港 (Chih-Chen Chen), "Using parity cache to reduce overhead of small write requests under Linux software RAID-5 system," July 2008.
癒 (Hao Yuan), "Profile Based Trace Selection of Code Layout Optimizations in Open64 Compiler," July 2008.
讲現 (Cheng-Tin Tsai), "A Parallel Algorithm of H.264/AVC Encoder on Multi-Core Systems," July 2008.
タ (Cheng-An Chiu), "An Adaptive Method for Distributed Data Management in High Level Architecture," July 2008.
朝褐婪 (Fu-Mao Chen), "Peer-to-Peer High Level Architecture," July 2008.
眎醇城 (Chih-Chien Chang), "Helper Threaded Shadow Paging on Multi-Core Virtualization Processors," June 2009.
砛篴 (Chin-Jung Hsu), "Cooperative Maintenance in Multi-Overlay Environments," June 2009.
狶稻 (Yi-Hsiang Lin), "SARIDSA Self-Adaptive Resource Index and Discovery System," June 2009.
腑肚 (Ze-Chuan Yeh), "A Power-Efficient and High-Throughput Deblocking Filter Hardware Architecture for H.264/AVC," June 2009.
讲ㄎ笷 (Chia-Dar Tsai), "A Low-Power Hardware Design for H.264/AVC Baseline Decoder," June 2009.
璓縪 (Chih-Yin Wu), "Dryad: An Ahead of Time Compiler Optimization Framework for Android," July 2009.
瑇庇甋 (Min-Chuan Hung), "A Time/Space Balanced Flash Translation Layer for Embedded Systems," July 2009.
朝河翬 (Shuo-Hung Chen), "HW/SW Co-Design of High-Performance Multi-Core Vector Graphics System," July 2010.
眎禬 (Wei-Chao Chang), "A Locality-based Multicast Scheme on Structured Peer-to-peer Overlay for High Level Architecture," July 2010.
虏古Щ (Chia-Hong Chien), "A Separate Code Cache Model for a Parallel Multi-Core System Emulator Based on QEMU," September, 2010.
Ш不呋 (Hsiang-Wei Sung), "Processor virtualization and optimization for KVM-ARM," September, 2010.
粁哎 (Chih-Sheng Wang), "An Ahead-of-Time Compilation and Optimization Framework Based on LLVM for Google Android," July 2011.
郭経 (Fan-Lei Liao), "Memory Virtualization Design for KVM-ARM," July 2011.
纒ゅ (Tai-Wen Lung), "Data Locality Optimizations for Multi-Level Caches in Java Multi-Core Compiler," July 2011.
馋 (Moise Convolbo), "Rsvg: Display Big size Vector Map on Mobile Device", June 2011
眎懂碄 (Ya-Ting Chang), "NUMA-Aware Scheduler for Asymmetric Multicore Processors," May 2012.
瑿馋 (Guillermo A. Perez), "A Hybrid Just-In-Time Compiler for Android," May 2012.
朝琑縪 (Yu-Ying Chen), "Improve 3D Performance of the Qemu-Spice," June 2012.
兢蕹 (Shih-Wei Li), "Memory Virtualization for ARMvisor," June 2012.
绰琖 (Chao-Chu Wang), "Implementation of x86 Atomic Instruction Emulation in PQEMU," June 2012.
躺癮 (Ming-Hsuan Lee), "The Scheduling and Timer Interrupt Mechanism for PQEMU," June 2012.
灵產 (Jia-Wang Chung), "Interrupt Controller Design Based on PQEMU," June 2012.
狶磕 (Chang-Jung Lin), "I/O Performance Optimization and Analysis for ARMvisor Using Virtio and Irqchip," June 2012.
狶グ賧 (Hung-Ping Lin), "Structured Data Processing on MapReduce in NoSQL Database," June 2012.
皑祸蒋 (Yi-Man Ma), "InfiniBand Virtualization for Kernel-based Virtual Machine," July 2012.
尝︵狥 (Zhoudong Guo), "HSA Emulator Design Based on QEMU," June 2013.
璃风ひ (Sheriffo Ceesay), "Moving Towards Pure ANSI SQL in NoSQL," June 2013.
臖城晧 (Chih-Hao Chang), "Memory Virtualization on ARM Architecture with Virtualization Hardware Extension," July 2013.
蔼盧秢 (Chung-Min Kao), "The LLVM Based GPU Compiler in Heterogeneous System Architecture Emulator: HTranslator," July 2013.
眎疎 (Ping-Hao Chang), "CPU Virtualization with ARM Virtualization Extension on ARMvsior," July 2013.
眎皇 (Shu-Ming Chang), "Adaptive Fusion SQL Engine on Hadoop Framework," July 2014.
郭璣瓆 (Ying-Ti Liao), "Data Adapter for Querying and Transformation Between SQL and NoSQL Database" July 2014.
藉 (Su-Shien Ho), "Distributed Metaserver Mechanism and Recovery Mechanism Support in Quanteast File System," July 2014.
法秇 (Yi-chen Yang), "CSCJ: Star Join Processing on HBase Using Hadoop MapReduce," July 2014.
皑璣蘃 {Intan Maghfirah), "Constraints Preserving in Schema Transformation to Enhance Database Migration from MySQL to HBase," July 2014.
钢懂 (Ngo-Thi Nha), "MTSH: Multi-Tenant Web-based Management System on SSDB and HDFS," July 2014.
狶瓣秢 (Kuo-Min Lin), "A Compilation Framework for HSA," July 2014.
綠κΘ (Bai-Cheng Jeng), "HSAemu Framework," July 2014.
尝瑅 (Che-Yang Kuo), "Implementation of Image Feature Supports in HSAemu Framework," July 2015.
拷和 (Jui Hsiao), "An OpenCL 2.0 Compilation Framework for HSA," July 2015.
碸 (Fei Peng), "OpenCL 2.0 Enabled HSA Hardware Emulation," July 2015.
狶 (Yen-Yu Lin), "Container-Based Automated Workflow System Supporting On-Demand Service Provision," July 2015.
㏄獺裹 (Hsing-Chang Chou), "Container-Based Scale-Out Architecture for Cloud Storage Service," July 2015.
甝蝴в (Wei-Chih Sun), "An OpenCL 2.0 Runtime Based on HSA Runtime," July 2015.
綶 (Lyu-Wei Wang), "BiFennel: Fast Graph Partitioning Algorithm for Big Data," July 2015.
朝в藉 (Chih-Hsien Chen), "SQL/PCM Design and Implement on NoSQL Database," July 2015.
狶竡碢 (Yi-Lan Lin), "Community-Based M2M Framework Using Smart/HetNet GW," July 2015.
玊畃 (Chun-Feng Wu), "A Hybrid Mechanism to Improve Write Scenarios for Cloud Storage Services," June 2016.
独伏瞇 (Mu-Han Huang), "Application-Aware Resource Provisioning for On-Demand Container-Based Cloud Radio Access Network,", June 2016
吕ㄎ翬 (Chia-Hung Lu), "Log-Based Synchronization Mechanism Between RDBMS and NoSQL Databases, " June 2016.
隔吹 (Luis Herrera), "A KVM-Based GPGPU Virtualization Technique for Windows," June 2016.
畗疎 (Hao-Che Hsu), "An HSA Emulation Platform with SVM and Multiple Computing Devices Support," June 2016.
璉 (Beibei Li), "Container-Based Workflow System for Production Server Deployment," June 2016.
独吹翤 (Shih-Chun Huang), "Application-Aware Offloading Mechanism for Mobile Edge Computing," July 2017.
霉獴锤 (Yu-Chin Luo), "Improve Resource Utilization of Cloud Radio Access Network Using Containerization and Functional Split Techniques,"".July 2017.
朝▆ (Bing-Liang Chen), "Dynamic Module Deployment Mechanism and Placement Optimization on M2M Platform," July 2017.
法﹕颈 (Meng-Hsuan Yang), "Code Layout Optimization Applying Community Detection Algorithm," July 2017.
拦Щ縪 (Hung-Ying Tai, "Crystal: An Extensible Framework for Profiling and Optimizing Large-Scale System Software," July 2017.
朝繫 (Jian-Lin Chen), "Function Reordering Optimization Based on Weighted Call Graph for Large-Scale Software in LLVM," July 2017.
黄ゅ (Wenyu Huang), "ReKV: A High Read Performance LSM-Tree Key-Value Store," July 2023.
杨 (Yufan Yang), "HWO: High-Order Based and WCO Guaranteed Query Plan Optimizer for Graph Pattern Matching," November 2023.