旧痴痁厩ネ虫の痴阶ゅ肈ヘ(Supervised Ph.D. Dissertations)

  1. 砛紋藉    (Ching-Hsien Hsu), ¨Efficient Methods for Run-Time Array Redistribution,〃 January 1999.

  2. 郭紋篴    (Ching-Jung Liao), ¨Efficient Partitioning and Load Balancing Methods for Finite Element Graphs on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,〃 June 1999.

  3. 狶玊瞁    (Chun-Yuan Lin), "Efficient Data Parallel Program Design for Multi-Dimensional Array Operations Based on the Extended Karnaugh Map Representation Scheme," June 2003.

  4. 狶網    (Chin-Feng Lin), "Efficient Parallel Volume Rendering Methods on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," January 2004.

  5. 郭糴    (Shih-Kuan Liao), "Time Varying Volume Data Rendering," June 2004.

  6. 瑇    (Che-Lun Hung), "Efficient Algorithms for Triple-wise Alignment and its Applications," March 2010.

  7. 玊藉    (Chun-Hsien Wu), "Deployment Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks," June 2010.

  8. ㏄古現    (Jia-Zheng Zhou), "Routing in Interconnection Networks and Its Applications," March 2011.

  9. ㄤ    (Po-Chi Shih), "Improving Parallel Job Scheduling Performance in Multi-Cluster through Look-Ahead Processor Allocation," July 2012.

  10. 霉稻    (Shih-Hsiang Lo), "Optimization Techniques for Reducing Data Communication Costs on GPU Systems," March 2013.

  11. 灵猌    (Wu-Chun Chung), "Decentralized Management of Resource Information and Discovery in Large-Scale Distributed Computing," April 2013.

  12. 瑇供碟    (Ding-Yong Hong), "Efficient and Retargetable Dynamic Binary Translation," April 2013.

  13. 狶癮驾    (Xuan-Yi Lin), "Master-Worker Paradigm on TILE64 Many-Core Platform," June 2013.

  14. 糕范岸    (Yu-Wei Chan), "Resource Sharing Strategies for Multi-Channel Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks  Using Locality-Aware and Game Theoretic Approaches," June 2013.

  15. 琠       (Kenn Slagter), "Load Balancing and Data Placement in MapReduce," November 2013.

  16. 嘲俯    (Ssu-Hsuan Lu), "A Self-Scaling Overlay Network Based on Arrangement Graph," January 2014.

  17. フキ    (Fang-Ping Bai), "An Ontology-Driven Multi-Agent Information Fusion Framework to Enhance Situation Awareness," July 2016.

  18. 馋    (Moïse Wendkuuni Convolb), "Scheduling Techniques on Cloud Resources under Cost and Performance Requirements,"  July 2017

  19. 狶稻    (Yu-Hsiang Lin), "A New API Remoting Policy for General-Propose Computing on GPU Virtualization and its Application on Biological Tools," January 2018.

  20. 陈    (Yuang Chen), "High-Performance Graph Processing on Multicore Systems," June 2022.

  21. 单 镀      (Ao Shan), "Imbalanced Data Classification Problems Based on Data Complexity," November 2023.

  22. 陈伟眑    (Weibin Chen), "Profile-Guided Optimization for Function Reordering: Algorithm and Application," September 2024

旧河痁厩ネ虫の河阶ゅ肈ヘ(Supervised Master Theses)

  1. 腑懂    (Yaa-Jyun Yeh), ¨Parallel Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms for Solution-Adaptive Finite Element Graphs on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors,〃 June 1994.

  2. 猌颈        (Wu-Hsun Ho), ¨PPT: A Parallel Programming Tool for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors,〃 June 1995.

  3. 朝城    (Shih-Jey Chen), ¨HCL - An Implementation of Message Passing Interface on Workstation Clusters,〃 June 1996.

  4. フ秤ゅ    (Sheng-Wen Bai), ¨A Generalized Basic-Cycle Calculation Technique for Efficient Array Redistribution,〃 June 1998.

  5. く醇    (Jen-Chih Yu), ¨Efficient Compositing Methods for the Sort-Last-Sparse Parallel Volume Rendering System on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,〃 June 1999.

  6. 朝в裹    (Chih-Chang Chen), ¨A Dynamic Diffusion Optimization Method for Irregular Finite Element Graph Partitioning,〃 June 1999.

  7. 绰く    (Chao-Jen Lee), ¨A Web-Based Parallel PDE Solver Generation System for Distributed Memory Computing Environments,〃 June 2000.

  8. 狶玊瞁        (Chun-Yuan Lin), ¨Efficient Algorithms for Multi-Dimensional Matrix Operations,〃 June 2000.

  9. 硷﹚        (Ching-Ting Pan), ¨An Efficient Hash Based Method for Discovering the Maximal Frequent Set,〃 June 2001.

  10. 法皇        (Su-Ming Yang), ¨The Design and Implementation of an IAM2000s C Compiler,〃 June 2001.

  11. 朝コ鑒        (Wu-Hong Chen), ¨A Real-Time Flight Control Embedded System Based on mC/OS-II Kernel,〃 June 2001.

  12. 纒睲篴    (Ching-Jung Long), ¨Efficient Load Balancing Methods for Cellular Mobile Networks,〃 January 2002.

  13. 眎肚        (Chun-Hsing Chang), ¨A Configurable Hard Real-Time Operating System Based on uC/OS-II Kernel for Flight Controls,〃 June 2002

  14. 讲じ箭    (Yuan-Chang Tsai), ¨An Integrated Design for Automatic System Development Tool Kits Generation,〃 June 2002.

  15. 玊藉    (Chun-Hsien Wu), ¨A Service Composition Framework for Service Discovery/Delivery Based on SLP,〃 June 2002.

  16. 綠繫    (Kuen-Lin Cheng), ¨The Integration of GPS and GIS on PDAs,〃 June 2002.

  17. 狶脖    (Jen-Shen Lin), ¨Image Compression by Adjacent Decomposed Bit-Plane Substitution,〃 June 2002.

  18. 狶癮驾    (Xuan-Yi Lin), "An Efficient Communication Scheme for Fat-Tree Topology on InfiniBand Networks," June 2003.

  19. 甝皇    (Yao-Ming Sun), "An Efficient Deadlock-Free Tree-Based Routing Algorithm for Irregular Wormhole-Routed Networks Based on the Turn Model," June 2004.

  20. ㏄古現    (Zhia-Zheng Zhou), "Multicast in Fat-Tree-Based InfiniBand Networks," July 2004.

  21. 狶驾    (Chang-Yi Lin), "An Adaptive Migratory Home Protocol for Software Distributed Shared Memory Systems," July 2004.

  22. 沫甶    (Yun-Chan Lee), "A Hybrid Wavelet-Based Video Codec with Low Computational Complexity, Memory Efficiency, and Scalability," June 2005.

  23. 纯秜    (Ssu-Chun Tseng), "A Scalable and Robust Scheme Based on the Multiple Description Coding for Low Bit-Rate Speech Coders," July 2005.

  24. 蔼緼皇        (Tse-Ming Kao), "A Multithreaded DSM System with Thread Migration for Memory Locality over InfiniBand," July 2005.

  25. 瓣煌    (Kuo-Chuan Lee), "A Delaunay Triangulation Based Method for Wireless Sensor Network Deployment," July 2005.

  26. 尝陪    (Hsien-Ting Kuo), "An Efficient and Low Overhead Random Forwarding Table Construction Method for Deadlock-Free Routing Algorithms in InfiniBand Networks," July 2005.

  27. 瑇供碟    (Ding-Yong Hong), "An Efficient MPI-IO for Noncontiguous I/O over InfiniBand," July 2005.

  28. 糂ビ    (Shen-En Liu), "Hardware Supported Multicast in Tow-Dimensional Mesh InfiniBand Networks," July 2005.

  29. 蔼岸窜        (Wei-ching kao), "An embedded Print Server," September 2005.

  30. 綠ヵ蝶    (Yang-Ping Cheng), "A Performance-Efficient Task Duplication- Based Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Computing," September 2005.

  31. 砛    (Tse-Yu Hsu), "A Register Allocation Algorithm for Shared and Clustered Hybrid Register File Organization," June 2006.

  32. 狶﹕晶        (Meng-Ru Lin), CFR: A Peer-to-Peer Collaborative File Repository System," June 2006.

  33. 村睲ゅ        (Ching-Wen Yu), "SPE  A Programming Environment for Wireless Sensor Networks," June 2006.

  34. 碸竡惩    (Yi-Kai Pong), "Applying Curve Fitting Techniques to Construct the Synopsis of Data Streams," June 2006.

  35. 玊Щ        (Jiun-Hung Ding), "SEMU: A Framework of Simulation Environment for Wireless Sensor Networks," June 2006.

  36. 霉稻    (Shih-Hsiang Lo), "Cooperative Localization with Pre-Knowledge using Bayesian Network for Wireless Sensor Networks," June 2006.

  37. ゅ        (Wen-Li Tang), "A Fast, Flexible, and Precise Simulation Framework for Starfish DSP Architecture," July 2006.

  38. 苦в揩    (Chih-Han Lai), "A Construction of Peer-to-Peer Streaming System Based on Flexible Locality-Aware Overlay Networks," June 2007.

  39. 眎窗竡    (Tun-Yi Chang), "Taking Advantage of Multi-Core Architecture in Disk Array," June 2007.

  40. 甪    (Yu-Chen Wu), "Dynamic Helper Threaded Prefetching on the  Multi-Core Software RAID," June 2007.

  41. 繟    (Chin-Wei Tang), "A System-Level Simulation Framework for Performance Evaluation of Hardware-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems," July 2007.

  42. 綠﹕聓    (Meng-Hsuan Cheng), "A VLIW-Based Post Compilation Framework for Multimedia Embedded DSPs with Hardware Specific Optimizations," July 2007.

  43. 讲蝴    (Wei-Lun Tsai), "A Tag-Based Overlay Network for Defending Against DDoS Attack," June 2007.

  44. 晶    (Yan-Zu Wu), "A Extended Shared and Clustered Register Files Organization  Wired SCRF Architecture," July 2007.

  45. 林﹙揩    (Chung Han Lin), "M-Ring : A Distributed, Self-Organize, Load Balancing Communication Method on Super Peer Network," July 2007.

  46. 瑇竧    (Sheng-Je Hung), "A Pipeline and Macroblock-Level Parallelism Architecture Design for H.264/AVC Baseline Decoder," July 2007.

  47. 狶肝癡    (Yi-Hsin Lin), "Reduce Leakage Power of JPEG Image on Asymmetric SRAM," July 2008.

  48. ﹙癮    (Chung-Hsuan Ho), "Malugo: A Peer-to-Peer Storage System," July 2008.

  49. 谅﹕晶    (Meng-Ju Hsieh), "Minimize The Distance of Failure Location for Automatic Debugging Technique with Improved State-Coverage mechanism," July 2008.

  50. 朝в港        (Chih-Chen Chen), "Using parity cache to reduce overhead of small write requests under Linux software RAID-5 system," July 2008.

  51. 癒            (Hao Yuan), "Profile Based Trace Selection of Code Layout Optimizations in Open64 Compiler," July 2008.

  52. 讲現        (Cheng-Tin Tsai), "A Parallel Algorithm of H.264/AVC Encoder on Multi-Core Systems," July 2008.

  53. タ        (Cheng-An Chiu), "An Adaptive Method for Distributed Data Management in High Level Architecture," July 2008.

  54. 朝褐婪        (Fu-Mao Chen), "Peer-to-Peer High Level Architecture," July 2008.

  55. 眎醇城        (Chih-Chien Chang), "Helper Threaded Shadow Paging on Multi-Core Virtualization Processors," June 2009.

  56. 砛篴        (Chin-Jung Hsu), "Cooperative Maintenance in Multi-Overlay Environments," June 2009.

  57. 狶稻        (Yi-Hsiang Lin), "SARIDSA Self-Adaptive Resource Index and Discovery System," June 2009.

  58. 腑肚        (Ze-Chuan Yeh), "A Power-Efficient and High-Throughput Deblocking Filter Hardware Architecture for H.264/AVC," June 2009.

  59. 讲ㄎ笷        (Chia-Dar Tsai), "A Low-Power Hardware Design for H.264/AVC Baseline Decoder," June 2009.

  60. 璓縪        (Chih-Yin Wu), "Dryad: An Ahead of Time Compiler Optimization Framework for Android," July 2009.

  61. 瑇庇甋        (Min-Chuan Hung), "A Time/Space Balanced Flash Translation Layer for Embedded Systems," July 2009.

  62. 朝河翬        (Shuo-Hung Chen), "HW/SW Co-Design of High-Performance Multi-Core Vector Graphics System," July 2010.

  63. 眎禬        (Wei-Chao Chang), "A Locality-based Multicast Scheme on Structured Peer-to-peer Overlay for High Level Architecture," July 2010.

  64. 虏古Щ        (Chia-Hong Chien), "A Separate Code Cache Model for a Parallel Multi-Core System Emulator Based on QEMU," September, 2010.

  65. Ш不呋    (Hsiang-Wei Sung), "Processor virtualization and optimization for KVM-ARM," September, 2010.

  66. 粁哎    (Chih-Sheng Wang), "An Ahead-of-Time Compilation and Optimization Framework Based on LLVM for Google Android," July 2011.

  67. 郭経    (Fan-Lei Liao), "Memory Virtualization Design for KVM-ARM," July 2011.

  68. 纒ゅ    (Tai-Wen Lung), "Data Locality Optimizations for Multi-Level Caches in Java Multi-Core Compiler," July 2011.

  69. 馋    (Moise Convolbo), "Rsvg: Display Big size Vector Map on Mobile Device", June 2011

  70. 眎懂碄    (Ya-Ting Chang), "NUMA-Aware Scheduler for Asymmetric Multicore Processors," May 2012.

  71. 瑿馋    (Guillermo A. Perez), "A Hybrid Just-In-Time Compiler for Android," May 2012.

  72. 朝琑縪    (Yu-Ying Chen), "Improve 3D Performance of the Qemu-Spice," June 2012.

  73. 兢蕹    (Shih-Wei Li), "Memory Virtualization for ARMvisor," June 2012.

  74. 绰琖        (Chao-Chu Wang), "Implementation of x86 Atomic Instruction Emulation in PQEMU," June 2012.

  75. 躺癮    (Ming-Hsuan Lee), "The Scheduling and Timer Interrupt Mechanism for PQEMU," June 2012.

  76. 灵產    (Jia-Wang Chung), "Interrupt Controller Design Based on PQEMU," June 2012.

  77. 狶磕    (Chang-Jung Lin), "I/O Performance Optimization and Analysis for ARMvisor Using Virtio and Irqchip," June 2012.

  78. 狶グ賧        (Hung-Ping Lin), "Structured Data Processing on MapReduce in NoSQL Database," June 2012.

  79. 皑祸蒋    (Yi-Man Ma), "InfiniBand Virtualization for Kernel-based Virtual Machine," July 2012.

  80. 尝︵狥    (Zhoudong Guo), "HSA Emulator Design Based on QEMU," June 2013.

  81. 璃风ひ        (Sheriffo Ceesay), "Moving Towards Pure ANSI SQL in NoSQL," June 2013.

  82. 臖城晧        (Chih-Hao Chang), "Memory Virtualization on ARM Architecture with Virtualization Hardware Extension," July 2013.

  83. 蔼盧秢    (Chung-Min Kao), "The LLVM Based GPU Compiler in Heterogeneous System Architecture Emulator: HTranslator," July 2013.

  84. 眎疎    (Ping-Hao Chang), "CPU Virtualization with ARM Virtualization Extension on ARMvsior," July 2013.

  85. 眎皇    (Shu-Ming Chang), "Adaptive Fusion SQL Engine on Hadoop Framework," July 2014.

  86. 郭璣瓆        (Ying-Ti Liao), "Data Adapter for Querying and Transformation Between SQL and NoSQL Database" July 2014.

  87. 藉    (Su-Shien Ho), "Distributed Metaserver Mechanism and Recovery Mechanism Support in Quanteast File System," July 2014.

  88. 法秇        (Yi-chen Yang), "CSCJ: Star Join Processing on HBase Using Hadoop MapReduce," July 2014.

  89. 皑璣蘃    {Intan Maghfirah), "Constraints Preserving in Schema Transformation to Enhance Database Migration from MySQL to HBase," July 2014.

  90. 钢懂    (Ngo-Thi Nha), "MTSH: Multi-Tenant Web-based Management System on SSDB and HDFS," July 2014.

  91. 狶瓣秢        (Kuo-Min Lin), "A Compilation Framework for HSA," July 2014.

  92. 綠κΘ        (Bai-Cheng Jeng), "HSAemu Framework," July 2014.

  93. 尝瑅    (Che-Yang Kuo), "Implementation of Image Feature Supports in HSAemu Framework," July 2015.

  94. 拷和            (Jui Hsiao), "An OpenCL 2.0 Compilation Framework for HSA," July 2015.

  95. 碸      (Fei Peng), "OpenCL 2.0 Enabled HSA Hardware Emulation," July 2015.

  96. 狶    (Yen-Yu Lin), "Container-Based Automated Workflow System Supporting On-Demand Service Provision," July 2015.

  97. ㏄獺裹    (Hsing-Chang Chou), "Container-Based Scale-Out Architecture for Cloud Storage Service," July 2015.

  98. 甝蝴в    (Wei-Chih Sun), "An OpenCL 2.0 Runtime Based on HSA Runtime," July 2015.

  99. 綶    (Lyu-Wei Wang), "BiFennel: Fast Graph Partitioning Algorithm for Big Data," July 2015.

  100. 朝в藉    (Chih-Hsien Chen), "SQL/PCM Design and Implement on NoSQL Database," July 2015.

  101. 狶竡碢    (Yi-Lan Lin), "Community-Based M2M Framework Using Smart/HetNet GW," July 2015.

  102. 玊畃    (Chun-Feng Wu), "A Hybrid Mechanism to Improve Write Scenarios for Cloud Storage Services," June 2016.

  103. 独伏瞇    (Mu-Han Huang), "Application-Aware Resource Provisioning for On-Demand Container-Based Cloud Radio Access Network,", June 2016

  104. 吕ㄎ翬    (Chia-Hung Lu), "Log-Based Synchronization Mechanism Between RDBMS and NoSQL Databases, " June 2016.

  105. 隔吹    (Luis Herrera), "A KVM-Based GPGPU Virtualization Technique for Windows," June 2016.

  106. 畗疎    (Hao-Che Hsu), "An HSA Emulation Platform with SVM and Multiple Computing Devices Support," June 2016.

  107. 璉    (Beibei Li), "Container-Based Workflow System for Production Server Deployment," June 2016.

  108. 独吹翤     (Shih-Chun Huang), "Application-Aware Offloading Mechanism for Mobile Edge Computing," July 2017.

  109. 霉獴锤    (Yu-Chin Luo), "Improve Resource Utilization of Cloud Radio Access Network Using Containerization and Functional Split Techniques,"".July 2017.

  110. 朝▆    (Bing-Liang Chen), "Dynamic Module Deployment Mechanism and Placement Optimization on M2M Platform," July 2017.

  111. 法﹕颈    (Meng-Hsuan Yang), "Code Layout Optimization Applying Community Detection Algorithm," July 2017.

  112. 拦Щ縪    (Hung-Ying Tai, "Crystal: An Extensible Framework for Profiling and Optimizing Large-Scale System Software," July 2017.

  113. 朝繫    (Jian-Lin Chen), "Function Reordering Optimization Based on Weighted Call Graph for Large-Scale Software in LLVM," July 2017.

  114. 黄ゅ        (Wenyu Huang), "ReKV: A High Read Performance LSM-Tree Key-Value Store," July 2023.

  115. 杨        (Yufan Yang), "HWO: High-Order Based and WCO Guaranteed Query Plan Optimizer for Graph Pattern Matching,"  November 2023.