Call for Papers for a Special Session on
Integration and Provision of Multimedia Services
First International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing (IMMCN'2000)
In conjunction with
Fifth Joint Conference on Information Sciences
Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
February 27 to March 3, 2000
The advances of computer technologies have empowered efficient
provision of multimedia services over diverse infrastructures. Not only the traditional
services, such as telephone calls, postal mails, etc., can be offered in a new way,
but also many creative ideas have come materialized to enrich peoples lives. With
the modern communication facilities, an exquisite PDA (personal digital assistant)
allows one to confer with colleagues, rendering ubiquitous connectivity possible. As new
applications incorporate consumer electronics, an integrate agent can schedule all the
daily works by taking voice or gesture commands.
However, due to the strong competition among leading vendors and
players, little consensus has emerged over the integration and provision of multimedia
services. A unique, simple, yet versatile multimedia system becomes very difficult to
design. Most efforts are drained to eliminate the incompatibility, leveling off the
aggregate advantages of individuals. To conquer these intermediate barriers, a unified
middleware framework can be a useful means to reach maximal interoperability. In
particular, the management of distributed media resources demands comprehensive knowledge
of each specification. Yet, resources utilization requires intelligent scheduling
strategies to meet respective criteria. Consequently, researches that explore principal
groupware features and foster seamless integration of software components will have a
strong impact towards multimedia research societies. We encourage original works and
innovative researches to submit a paper in contribution of this important area. Ingenious
ideas and visions can be thus shared and discussed in this session.
Paper Submission:
Paper must be written in English. Please send four copies of your
4-page extended summary (10 point, double column, and single-spaced) and your full-length
double-spaced complete manuscript (include figures and references) to the session chair.
The conference proceedings will publish the four pages of extended summary. Paper
publication guideline should follow the one of IMMCN'2000.
Best papers of the sessions will be suggested by the special session
chairs and the IMMCN'2000 workshop chair, to be published in a special issue of one of the
three Information Science Journals, subject to a quick review by the program committee of
Special Session Chair:
Important Dates:
Invited paper due: November 1, 1999
Final manuscript due: December 1, 1999
Pre-work shop discount registration due and paper deposit fee due: December 1, 1999
(See IMMCN'2000 for further
information) |
