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My research interests can be briefly classified as follows:
 | Distributed Multimedia Systems |
 | Databases Management Systems |
 | Computer Communications |
 | Parallel and Distributed Computing |
 | Technology Inventions :
 | Earthworm (Network Memory Management) Technique |
 | Dynamic Multicast Technique |
 | Skyscraper Broadcast Protocol |
 | etc. |

My publications are itemized as follows:
- K. A. Hua and S. Sheu, An Efficient Periodic Broadcast
Technique for Digital Video Libraries, to appear in the Journal of Multimedia Tools
and Applications.
- W. Tavanapong, K. A. Hua, and S. Sheu, Reducing Web
Browsing Delay using Profile-Based Prefetching, In Proc. Of WebNet 98 World
Conference of the WWW, Internet & Intranet, Orlando, FL, Nov. 1998.
- K. A. Hua, Y. Cai, and S. Sheu, Exploiting Client
Bandwidth for more Efficient Video Broadcast, In Proc. Of Computer Communications
and Networks (IC3N98), Lafayette, Louisiana, Oct. 1998.
- K. A. Hua, Y. Cai, and S. Sheu, Patching: A Multicast
Technique for True Video-On-Demand Services, In Proc. Of ACM Multimedia98, pp.
191-200, Bristol, UK, Sept. 1998.
- K. A. Hua and S. Sheu, Skyscraper Broadcasting: A New
Broadcasting Scheme for Metropolitan Video-on-Demand Systems, In Proc. Of ACM
SIGCOMM97, Computer Communication Review, 27(4):89-100, Cannes, France, Sept. 1997.
- S. Sheu, K. A. Hua, and W. Tavanapong, Chaining: A
Generalized Batching Technique for Video-On-Demand Systems, In Proc. Of IEEE
Intl Conf. On Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS97), pp. 110-117, Ottawa,
Canada, June 1997.
- K. A. Hua, S. Sheu, and J. Wang, Earthworm: A Network
Memory Management Technique for Large-Scale Distributed Multimedia Applications, In
Proc. Of IEEE INFOCOM97, Kobe, Japan, April 1997.
- K. A. Hua, J. Wang, and S. Sheu, BiHOP: A bidirectional
highly optimized pipelining Technique for Large-Scale Multimedia Servers, In Proc.
Of IEEE INFOCOM97, Kobe, Japan, April 1997.
- S. Sheu, K. A. Hua, and T. Hu, Virtual Batching: A New
Scheduling Technique for Video-On-Demand Servers, In Proc. Of Intl Conf. On
Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA97), Melbourne, Australia, April
- S. Sheu, K. A. Hua, and W. Tavanapong, Dynamic
Grouping: An Efficient Buffer Management Scheme for Video-on-Demand Servers, In
Proc. Of Intl Conf. On Multimedia Information Systems, Illinois, April 1997.
- W. Tavanapong, K. A. Hua, and S. Sheu, Pre-Admission
Control for Movie-on-Demand Systems, In Proc. Of Intl Conf. On Multimedia
Information Systems, Schaumburg, Illinois, April 1997.
- S. Sheu, K. A. Hua, and Y. Cai, On the Optimality of
Degree of Declustering, In Proc. Of Intl Conf. On Data Base and Expert Systems
(DEXA96), Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. 1996.