CS 3332: Probability & Statistics (機率統計)Dr. Fenn-Huei Simon Sheu (許奮輝) Phone: (03) 574-2959, Office: 資電館 638 室 Email: sheu@cs.nthu.edu.tw Fall 2005 Objective: This course has the unique mission to introduce the rudimental probability models and develop the associated theoretical aspects for the juniors. Several statistical assessment techniques will be discussed in the class to facilitate a close approximation to the real situation in question, and adapt the focus to make a better prediction and thus decision. Students will learn the way to apply these disciplines for their subsequent research works: from observations, via conjectures, to ultimate verifications. Prerequisite: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Engineering Mathematics. Class Time & Room: T6F7F8, 資電館 132 室 Office Hours: T7T8, R7R8, or by appointment. Lecture notes & Homework assignments:
Grading: Homework: 0%, four exams (each 15%), and four quizzes (each 10%). Tentative Schedule: