CS 5730: Data Mining (資訊探勘) Dr. Fenn-Huei Simon Sheu (許奮輝) Phone: (03) 574-2959, Office: 資電館 638 室 Email: sheu@cs.nthu.edu.tw Fall 2005 Objective: The objective of this course is to prepare the students for performing research in the area of data mining, one of actively evolving fields in industry and academia. The techniques and algorithms introduced are of practical utility to meet the extensive multidisciplinary demands of this fast developing field. In particular, the focus of the course is to enlighten the students on their inherent apprehension of the arts – the rationales behind the concepts and properties of the applied methods. Such in-depth realization will be easily powered by the empirical practices to develop creative problem-solving strategies to work on the next-generation computing environment. Prerequisite: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Engineering Mathematics, Self-motivation. Class Time & Room: M5M6F5, 資電館 132 室 Office Hours: T7T8, R7R8, or by appointment. Lecture notes & Homework assignments:
Tentative Schedule: