FLEXlm is designed to serve multiple applications, so installing SDT on your site should not cause any problems if the applications already installed on your computer environment use FLEXlm.
The process of checking licenses in and out from the pool is controlled by dedicated software that may run on any of the nodes in a network. The license control software consists of two processes, with the process names:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Caution! Once it is properly installed and running, the license control mech anism will work on its own without any user having to operate it. All necessary operations, such as upgrading licenses, should be restrict ed to authorized personnel, such as the system manager. Otherwise, malfunctions may occur. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Each time you start up an application which is license controlled (such as the SDT Organizer, the Message Sequence Chart Editor and the Validator), one license is reserved for you.
Each time an application terminates, the license is returned to the pool. SDT's code generating tools, which are licensed separately, are however an exception to this rule. Once a code generator license is checked out, it is reserved for the user until he exits SDT or explicitly gives up the license, which returns it to the pool. To give up a license, the Organizer's Give Up License command is used (the command is available as an option from the Organizer's Help menu; see "License Info" on page 1131 in chapter 22, The SDT Organizer in the volume SDT 3.01 Reference Manual.)
You restart the license server as follows:
$telelogic/bin/startlicdwhere $telelogic points to the root directory where you have installed SDT. If this variable is not set, first do as follows:
cd /appl/telelogic
The SDT installation must however be updated to use the already existing license.dat instead of the default $telelogic/license.dat
To specify the location of license.dat:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The log file will swell as users run SDT. You may consider to delete the head of the file from time to time to save disk space. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Example 6Where the following are keywords:--------------------------------------------------- SERVER hostname hostid 1763 DAEMON telelogic /install/sdt/flex/telelogic FEATURE SDT-Base telelogic 3.000 1-mar-95 0 CODE "" FEATURE SDT-MSCE telelogic 2.010 1-mar-95 0 CODE "" ---------------------------------------------------
Each line that begins with FEATURE contains the following information:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Caution! The code string will only match the application, version number, ex piration date, number of licenses, and comment if you enter it exact ly (preserving the upper and lower cases) as printed in the document Product License Key. Any modifications will invalidate the key. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The error codes that are issued are in the range 7101 - 7147.
In the event of an undocumented error message, please contact Telelogic Customer Support. The phone number can be found on page 1 of this manual.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Error Code Message Suggested Action ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7101 cannot find The license.dat file cannot be license file found via the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE. The file license.dat is stored at the root directory of your SDT installation ($telelogic). 1. Check that this variable is set up correctly. For instance, the com mand:This page intentionally left blank
more $LM_LICENSE_FILE should result in a printout like: SERVER xxx yyy 17xx DAEMON telelogic etc. 2. If the license.dat file is not displayed as described above, edit the file sdt.sou
Change the path name to the di rectory containing license.dat to the correct one, according to where SDT is installed. 7103 cannot 1. Examine the log file connect to a license.log which is stored in license the root directory of your SDT installation. If you find the mes sage Retry socket bind address in use, edit the license.dat file and change the number 17xx at the end of the first line (which begins with SERVER).
Change the number to any other higher octal number e.g. 1767. 2. Terminate the processes lmgrd and telelogic 3. Restart the license server by ex ecuting startlicd 7105 no such A typing error has been introduced feature in license.dat exists 1. If the message is displayed when you start SDT, the prob lem is at the first FEATURE line, in which the name SDT is mis spelled. Correct it to SDT. 2. Terminate the license server (see step 2. under error code 7103 above) 3. Restart the license server (see step 3. under error code 7103 above) 7107 no socket The license.dat file has not a connection suitable file protection mode. to license 1. Change the file protection so manager that all users have read access.
server chmod 644 license.dat 2. Terminate the license server (see step 2. under error code 7103 above) 3. Restart the license server (see step 3. under error code 7103 above) 7108 encryption This message is displayed when a code in SDT tool is started. The problem is license file due to an inconsistency in the is encryption key for that tool. inconsistent 1. Verify the contents of the file license.dat with the infor mation in the Product License Key. The information is case sensitive and must match ex actly. 2. Locate the mismatch(es) and correct them 3. Terminate the license server (see step 2. under error code 7103 above) 4. Restart the license server (see step 3. under error code 7103 above) 7115 cannot The license server has not been connect to started properly. license 5. Terminate the license server server (see step 2. under error code 7103 above) 6. Restart the license server (see step 3. under error code 7103 above) -------------------------------------------------------------------