Table of Contents Previous Chapter 22 The SDT Organizer

22 The SDT Organizer

Menu Bar

This section describes the menu bar of the Organizer's Main window and all the available menu choices.

The menu bar contains the following menus:

Available Menu Choices

There are two concepts affecting the menu choices that are available in the menu bar: long/short menus and licence dependent menu choices.

Long and Short Menus

The user can choose between long and short menus with the menu choice View Options in the View menu. Menu choices in short menus are used for editing and simulating. Menu choices in long menus are used for generating code and handling file connections. (File connections are handled automatically by default.)

The following menu choices are only visible in long menus:

Licence Dependent Menu Choices

The following menu choices are only available if the SDT tool used is available according to the licence configuration:

Licence         Affected menu choices                           
Code Generator  Make                                            
Simulator       Simulator UI (available with long menus only).  
Validator       Validator UI (available with long menus only).  

The File Menu

Figure 217 : The File Menu. 
The File menu features the following menu choices:


This menu choice creates a new system file.

If a system file already is open in the Organizer, the behavior is determined by the status of the existing system structure. If the information is not modified, the New dialog is issued (see below). If modified information exists, the user first gets the possibility to save it; see "The Save Before Dialog" on page 1075.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 218 : The New Dialog. 
The settings made in the dialog are preserved as default values the next time the dialog is invoked.


This menu choice opens an existing system file.

If a system file already is open in the Organizer, the behavior is determined by the status of the existing system structure. If the information is not modified, the Open dialog is issued (see below). If modified information exists, the user first gets the possibility to save it; see "The Save Before Dialog" on page 1075.

The Open dialog is a Standard File Selection Dialog, with the file filter set to *.sdt.

The Open button in the dialog opens the specified system file. The old contents of the drawing area is replaced with the new diagram structure. If any of the diagrams managed by the Organizer were opened in an Editor, the Editor windows are closed.

A diagram cannot be opened by the Organizer. If the user specified          
a diagram created with an earlier version of SDT, the user is sug           
gested to import this diagram in order to create a diagram structure.(fig)  
The following information consistency checks are performed when opening a system:


This menu choice saves all modified diagrams known to the Organizer and finally the system file used by the Organizer. The menu choice is dimmed if the Organizer contains a new system with no corresponding files.

If the system file is modified and in need of saving, an asterisk `*' is appended to the name of the system file in the Organizer's title bar.

When the first diagram that is modified is encountered in the Organizer's view of files, the Save dialog below appears. If not Save All, Quit All or Cancel is selected, the dialog will remain on the screen and all modified diagrams will be handled by the dialog subsequently.

Whether the diagram is connected to a file or not will affect the layout and behavior of the Save dialog. For any unsaved and unconnected diagrams found, the user must provide a filename to connect to.

The appearance of the dialog if the diagram is already connected:

Figure 219 : The Save Dialog When Connected.  
The appearance of the dialog if the diagram is not connected:

Figure 220 : The Save Dialog When Unconnected. 
The system file is handled regardless if it is modified or not. If it is modified, the first text row in the dialog is "System file is modified." If not, the text is "System file is not modified, save anyway?" thus allowing the user to save the system file under a different file name. If the system never has been saved, the Organizer proposes a name for the system file; prefix is the name of the first diagram in the structure, suffix is .sdt.

If the system file is saved and the preference MixedPlatform is on,      
a check is made that all paths written into the system file has a cor    
responding entry in the drive table. A warning dialog is shown if that   
is not the case.(fig)                                                    
The fields and buttons in the Save dialog are:

The Save Before Dialog

Some operations in the Organizer need to save information before the actual operation can be performed. The saving is only performed if modified information exists in the system. In such cases a Save Before dialog is opened, which is very similar to a normal Save dialog. The dialog title is "SDT Save before <command>" and some buttons may behave differently (see Figure 219 on page 1071). If not Save All, Quit All or Cancel is selected, the dialog will remain on the screen and all modified files will be handled by the dialog subsequently.

The Save Before dialog is opened for the following menu choices:

Auto Saving

When selecting any of the Generate commands Analyze, Make, Convert to PR or Generate SDL Overview, the Save Before dialog does not appear if the preference AutoSaveBefore is set. However, unconnected and modified diagrams still require user interaction. If such diagrams exists, the dialog appears.

Close System

This menu choice closes the currently opened system and clears the drawing area of the Organizer.

If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user gets the possibility to save it; see "The Save Before Dialog" on page 1075. If any of the old diagrams were opened in an Editor, the Editor windows are closed.


This menu choice prints some or all of the diagrams in the Organizer.

The menu choice starts The Print Utility; for more details on its user interface and the various options, see "Print from Organizer" on page 1444.

Set Directories

This menu choice sets the source and target directories. For more information on these directories, see "Source Directory" and "Target Directory" on page 1057.

If the source directory is changed while a Save dialog is active in an Editor, the directory where the Editor saves the diagram is undefined. An ongoing analysis is not affected by changing the target directory. Simulators and validators must be restarted in order to use a changed target directory.

Figure 224 : The Set Directories Dialog. 

Set Drives

This menu choice displays the drive table of the currently opened system, i.e. the mapping between disk drive names in MS-DOS and the beginning of corresponding directory paths on Unix. The menu choice is only available if the preference MixedPlatform is on. For more information, see "MS-DOS and Unix File Compatibility" on page 1152.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 225 : The Set Drives Dialog. 
The text area displays the drive table currently used in the system. The table can be edited directly in the text area. When the system file later is saved, the table is stored in the Drives Section.

When clicking OK, a basic syntax check is performed on the entered drive table. Each line should consist of two items only:

If any errors are found, the user is notified and the dialog is not closed. If the table was changed and found to be syntactically correct, the system file is marked as modified.

Check Files

This menu choice verifies all file bindings and diagram structures in the Diagram Structure area and in the Associated Documents area.

For each file, the menu choice checks if the file exists and if the file is an SDL diagram file. If not, the status is logged in the Organizer Log window and the diagram icon is marked Invalid. However, the file does not have to be of the correct type when checked. In this case the information is logged, but the user may continue working with the diagram.

If a diagram is marked invalid, the user must later correct the file binding. The user could either reconnect the diagram to a valid file, or perform a disconnection in which case the diagram disappears.

The diagram structures in the system file and in the diagram files are also compared, in terms of existing SDL reference symbols. If connected diagrams in the system file are not present in the corresponding diagram files, the diagram icons are marked Mismatch and the status is logged in the Organizer Log window. Unconnected diagrams are removed from the system file and the Organizer's diagram structure. New reference symbols found in the diagram files are added as unconnected diagrams in the system file and the Organizer's diagram structure.

If a diagram is marked mismatched, the user must later correct the diagram structures. The user could either perform a disconnection in which case the diagram disappears, or change the appropriate diagram in an Editor to include the mismatched reference symbol.

Compare System

This menu choice compares the contents of the Organizer Main window with the contents of a system file (.sdt file).

The two structures are compared and possible differences are reported to the user, with the option to merge the two structures, by specifying which diagrams to add and which to remove. The merged results are applied to the Organizer (with the possibility to save the results).

The information is processed according to the following scheme:

  1. First, the user is asked to exit any SDL and MSC Editor, if any is found running.
  2. Then, the user is prompted to save modified diagrams and / or system file in a Save Before Dialog.
  3. Then, a Standard File Selection Dialog is issued, where the system file to compare the Organizer view with may be selected. Once the system file of the user's choice is selected and the OK button is pressed, the comparison is started.
  4. The Compare System dialog is issued, where the differences are reported (if the Organizer view and the contents of a system file are found identical, this is reported in a message box and the operation is terminated).
    Figure 226 : The Compare System Dialog. 
  5. The user decides if and how to merge the two views, by selecting / deselecting the diagrams to include or exclude from the resulting Organizer view.
The Compare System function will now be described in detail.

General Properties of Dialog

List "Organizer diagrams"

The diagrams that are listed here are the diagrams that were found in the Organizer's Diagram Structure or Associated Documents areas.

List <system file>

(where <system file> corresponds to the directory and name of the selected system file)

The diagrams that are listed here are the diagrams that were found in the system file.

How Systems are Compared

This subsection provides additional information about the rules that govern how systems are compared.

Links to Documents (Associated Documents)

The Compare System function preserves, as long as possible, the links between the diagrams in the Associated Documents area and the diagrams in the Diagram Structure area.

Import Diagrams

This menu choice imports a diagram or a number of diagrams in SDT2 or SDT-3 format, and extracts the diagram structure with the possibility to save it on a system file. The command may, on demand, convert the imported diagram into SDT3 format without the need to involve the user for each diagram to convert.

To avoid potential name conflicts when saving an imported diagram structure, the menu choice will not perform any action, and causes the following message box to be displayed in the case any files are opened in an Editor.

Figure 228 : Import Diagrams Disabled. 
Basically, the involved SDL diagrams and their corresponding files are bound and the file bindings are put in the system file (not saved on disk). A number of information entities are also extracted from the diagrams.

If a system file already is open in the Organizer, the behavior is determined by the status of the existing system structure. If the information is not modified, the Import Diagrams dialog is issued (see below). If modified information exists, the user first gets the possibility to save it; see "The Save Before Dialog" on page 1075. If any of the old diagrams were opened in an Editor, these Editor windows are closed.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 229 : The Import Diagrams Dialog. 
The root diagram to import and convert can either be named logically with type and name, or physically with a file name. The user can toggle between diagram type/name and diagram file. The specified diagram will become a new root diagram in the Organizer. The imported diagrams are placed in the Diagram Structure area.

Delete System File

This menu choice deletes one or more system files from the file system.

A Standard File Selection Dialog is opened with the file filter set to *.sdt. The file is deleted when the OK button is clicked.

It is possible to delete the system file corresponding to the current system in the Organizer. This does not affect the current system, i.e. the user can later save the system in a new system file.

The Standard File Selection Dialog may be used for deleting any file, however diagram files that are loaded in an Editor may not be deleted.


This menu choice exits the Organizer.

The exiting process consists of four phases:

  1. Handling of modified files managed in the Organizer structure.
    If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user gets the possibility to save it; see "The Save Before Dialog" on page 1075. The dialog is opened for the first file (diagram/system file) that is modified in the Organizer's view of files. The user can then choose how to continue. If the user does not select Save All, Quit All or Cancel, the dialog will remain on the screen and all modified files will be handled by the dialog subsequently.
    The system file is saved last, if necessary. If the Exit process at a later stage is cancelled, all diagrams in the Editors are still available, since they are not closed until all modified diagrams are handled.
  2. Confirmation of Exit
    When no print, analyze, make or validation jobs are active, the confirmation of Exit looks like this:
    Figure 231 : Exit Confirmation Without Active Jobs. 
    If there are such active jobs, the user gets the possibility to force an exit of these jobs:
    Figure 232 : Exit Confirmation With Active Jobs. 
  3. Removing of diagrams in Editors
  4. Shutdown of tools
    All SDT tools are terminated, possibly issuing a "Save before exit" dialog. Finally, the Organizer itself is terminated.

The Edit Menu

A general mechanism to edit the diagram structure(s) in the Organizer does not exist. Some of the menu choices in the Edit menu are used for basic operations on root diagrams and file connections. However, most changes to the diagram structure are a result of operations made in the diagram Editors; see "Reference Symbols" on page 1176.

Figure 233 : The Edit Menu. 
The Edit menu features the following menu choices:

Edit Diagram

This menu choice edits the selected diagram/page by starting/loading a corresponding SDL Editor or MSC Editor. These tools are described in "The SDL Editor" on page 1153 and "The MSC Editor" on page 1297.

The menu choice is dimmed if the selected icon is invalid, or if an instance or dashed diagram icon is selected.

The operation performed depends on the type of diagram:

The settings made in the dialog are preserved as default values the next time the dialog is invoked.

Edit Reference

This menu choice starts an SDL Editor with the diagram and page that references the selected diagram. The reference symbol is shown selected in the Editor window.

The menu choice is dimmed if:

Add Diagram

This menu choice adds a diagram at the root level or to the Associated Documents Area. To add other SDL diagrams on other levels, the SDL Editor is used (see "Add of a Reference Symbol" on page 1177 in The SDL Editor chapter). The menu choice is dimmed if there is no system opened in the Organizer.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 235 : The Add Diagram Dialog. 
The new diagram is placed as a root diagram in the structure according to the diagram ordering scheme (see "Ordering" on page 1064).

If a diagram in the Diagram Structure area was selected and an MSC or Overview diagram is added, an associated documents link is automatically added to the selected diagram.

Remove Diagram

This menu choice removes the selected root diagram and its diagram substructure, if any, from the system structure. It can be applied on root diagrams in the Diagram Structure area and on diagrams in the Associated documents area. The menu choice is dimmed if such a diagram is not selected, or if the diagram is modified.

For a diagram in the Diagram Structure area, the following dialog is opened:

Figure 236 : The Remove Diagram Dialog. 
For a diagram in the Associated Documents area, the following dialog is opened:

Figure 237 : The Remove Associated Document Dialog. 

Connect Diagram

This menu choice connects a selected diagram to a file. It is not visible if the user has chosen short menus (see "Available Menu Choices" on page 1067). It is possible to reconnect an already connected diagram.

The menu choice is dimmed if a page, instance diagram, or dashed diagram icon is selected.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 238 : The Connect Diagram Dialog. 

Connect and Associated Documents

If a connection is made in the Diagram Structure area to a file which appears in the Associated Documents area, the corresponding associated document icon is removed.

Error Notification

If an error occurs, the user is informed in a message box and control is returned to the Connect Diagram dialog.

Add and Connect Diagram

If the dialog was invoked from the Add Diagram dialog and the diagram was to be added in the Associated Documents area, the two Expand options are dimmed.

Reconnect Connected Diagram

When performing a reconnect to an already connected diagram, the current diagram references are matched against those found in the connected file. If mismatches are found, icons are marked as such but the structure is kept intact, if possible.

Connect Open Diagrams

When connecting an unconnected diagram that is opened and unsaved in an Editor, the file name binding is not conveyed to the Editor, i.e., the Editor binding is lost.

Reconnect Open Diagrams

It is not possible to connect a diagram to a file that is already open in an Editor.

Figure 241 : Attempt to Connect a Diagram to an Open File. 

Diagram Substructure in Search Lists

If the user specifies to connect By expanding diagram in search list and to Expand Diagram Structure and the Organizer encounters a file that already is open in an Editor or that cannot be found using the search list, the connection is not made for this file (and its substructure). The connection continues for the rest of the diagrams, however.

Disconnect Diagram

This menu choice disconnects the connected file from the selected diagram. It is not visible if the user has chosen short menus (see "Available Menu Choices" on page 1067).

The menu choice is dimmed if the selected diagram is not yet connected, or if a page, instance diagram, dashed diagram, or an associated document icon is selected.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 242 : The Disconnect Diagram Dialog. 
If the diagram is currently loaded in an Editor and is modified, the diagram reference in the Organizer gets the same status as if a new diagram is edited, i.e. new and unconnected. There are two cases:

Go To Source

This menu choice opens a file associated with an SDT reference in an appropriate window:

For more information on SDT references, see "References in SDT-3" on page 2473.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 243 : The Go To Source Dialog. 
An error message appears if the format of the SDT reference is incorrect or if the requested SDT reference cannot be found.

Associate Document

This menu choice associates or deassociates a selected document in the Associated Documents Area with a diagram in the Diagram Structure Area. The menu choice is dimmed if no MSC or Overview diagram in the Associated Documents area is selected, or if the selected diagram is not connected.

The selected document originates from the Associated Documents area, but this menu choice works as well if the document reference is selected in the Diagram Structure area (a re-association). It is only possible to have one link to an associated document.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 244 : The Associate Document Dialog. 

Update Headings

This menu choice checks the diagram Kernel Heading Symbols for correctness with respect to what is defined in the Organizer's Diagram Structure area.

It operates on the selected diagram and its substructure. If no diagram is selected, all diagrams in the Diagram Structure area are checked.

Before the kernel headings are checked, a check is made to see if any file is connected to more than one diagram. Such files are reported in the Organizer log, and a warning box is issued to the user. These files may be modified for each appearance and will cause all but the last update to be incorrect.

The kernel heading check is made silently until the first incorrect heading is found. The diagram checked is then shown in the dialog below. If an incorrect qualifier is found, the user is prompted in the dialog whether to update the header or not. The user also has the possibility to silently update all incorrect headings. That is, they are loaded into an SDL Editor and are then corrected without confirmation by the user.

After the operation, all updated headings are in an unsaved mode in the Editor.

This operation should be done regularly in order to avoid peculiar and hard-to-find analysis error caused by incorrect diagram headings.

Qualifiers could be placed in other symbols than the heading in the system, such as qualifying data types in a text symbol. Such qualifiers are not found by the Update Headings menu choice.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 245 : The Update Headings Dialog. 

The View Menu

Figure 246 : The View Menu. 
The View menu features the following menu choices:


This menu choice expands the diagram structure tree one level down for the selected diagram.

The menu choice is dimmed if:

Expand Substructure

This menu choice expands the diagram structure tree the whole way down for the selected diagram.

The menu choice is dimmed for the same reasons as Expand above.

Expand All

This menu choice expands the diagram structure trees the whole way down, i.e. all diagrams are shown.


This menu choice hides all diagrams below the selected diagram in the Diagram Structure Area.

The menu choice is dimmed if:

A collapsed diagram does not affect a corresponding diagram file opened in an Editor, i.e. it does not have to be closed or saved.

A collapsed diagram has a small triangle drawn below the diagram icon to indicate that it is collapsed.

View Options

This menu choice sets options for controlling the appearance of the Organizer window, as well as options for which icon attributes to show.

The options are set in a modeless dialog, i.e. the Organizer can continue working without waiting for the dialog to be closed. The options are saved in the system file.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 247 : The View Options Dialog. 
The items in the View Options dialog is grouped into the following sections. The figure above shows the default settings. The settings made in the dialog are preserved as default values the next time the dialog is invoked.

Tree Mode

The Tree Mode section contains options for the two different tree presentation modes available for the Diagram Structure area (see "Presentation Modes" on page 1059).

Menu Mode

The Menu mode section contains options for which menu choices that are available (see "Available Menu Choices" on page 1067).

Show Sections

The Show Sections section contains options for which parts of the main window to show.


The Show section contains options for which diagrams and file attributes to show.

Dialog Buttons

Set Scale

This menu choice sets the scale used in the Organizer window.

The scale is set using a modal dialog:

Figure 249 : The Set Scale Dialog. 
The scale could be set between 20% and 800% by using the slider. 100% is the default. The setting is saved in the system file.

Pressing Set changes the scale and brings down the dialog.

The Generate Menu

Figure 250 : The Generate Menu. 
The Generate menu features the following menu choices:


This menu choice starts the Analyzer for the selected diagram or all diagrams. It is dimmed if:

If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user should first save it in a Save Before Dialog; see page 1075.

Any SDL diagram in the Diagram Structure area can be selected for analysis. The diagram will be analyzed in its context and together with its substructure.

If there is exactly one SDL structure defined in the Diagram Structure area (except for additional packages and macros), this structure is analyzed if no diagram is selected. If more than one SDL structure is defined in the Diagram Structure area, a diagram must be selected in order to be analyzed.

Options for the Analyzer are specified in the modal dialog below. The settings are saved in the system file and persist until the next time the dialog is invoked for the same system.

Figure 251 : The Analyze Dialog. 

Dialog Settings

Perform a semantic check. It requires Syntactic analysis to be set, otherwise it is dimmed. The additional semantic check options below require this option to be set; otherwise they are dimmed. They are also dimmed if a system or package was not the target for the analysis. For more information on these options, see "Performing Semantic Check" on page 314 and in chapter 6, Verifying a System.

The options above are forwarded to the Analyzer when the analysis process starts.

Dialog Buttons


This menu choice makes a system, i.e. generates code for it and optionally compiles and links it. The menu choice is not visible if the user has chosen short menus (see "Available Menu Choices" on page 1067). It is dimmed if:

If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user should first save it; see "The Save Before Dialog" on page 1075.

If there is exactly one SDL structure defined in the Diagram Structure area (except for additional packages and macros), this structure is considered as the source for Make. If more than one SDL structure is defined in the Diagram Structure area, a system diagram must be selected in order to perform Make.

Options for the Make process are specified in the modal dialog below. An analysis phase is executed as part of the Make process. The existing Analyzer options as set in the Analyze dialog are used.

Figure 253 : The Make Dialog. 
By default, all generated files are stored in the Target Directory.

Code Generation Options

Compile and Link Options

Example 28 : Contents of Make Template File  
USERLIBRARIES = -lm -lsocket
# Dependencies and actions
sctenv$(sctOEXTENSION): sctenv.c
        $(sctCC) $(sctCPPFLAGS) $(sctCCFLAGS) \
        $(TARGETDIRECTORY) sctenv.c \
        $(sctIFDEF) -o sctenv$(sctOEXTENSION)

Dialog Buttons

Generate SDL Overview

This menu choice generates an SDL overview diagram with the selected diagram, or the root diagram, as the top diagram. The menu choice is dimmed if the selected icon is marked invalid.

If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user should first save it; see "The Save Before Dialog" on page 1075.

If there is exactly one SDL structure defined in the Diagram Structure area (except for additional packages and macros), an overview diagram is generated for this structure if no diagram is selected. If more than one SDL structure is defined in the Diagram Structure area, a diagram must be selected in order for an overview diagram to be generated.

By default, all generated files are stored in the Target Directory.

The following dialog is opened:

Figure 254 : The Generate SDL Overview Dialog. 

Convert to PR

This menu choice generates a formatted (pretty printed) PR file. Input is either a PR file or a GR diagram structure. The menu choice is dimmed if a job using the Analyzer is already running.

If modified information exists in the current system structure, the user should first save it; see "The Save Before Dialog" on page 1075.

Figure 255 : The Convert to PR Dialog. 

Convert to GR

This menu choice converts a PR file to one or more SDL-GR diagrams. The menu choice is dimmed if a job using the Analyzer is already running.

Figure 256 : The Convert PR to GR Dialog. 

Edit Separation

This menu choice inserts or edits a separation on the selected diagram. It is not visible if the user has chosen short menus (see "Available Menu Choices" on page 1067). It is dimmed if:

Diagram separations are used during code generation and controls both the splitting of the target into separate modules and the naming of these modules. Separations can be shown in the diagram structure of the Organizer; see "Separators" on page 1107. Information about separations are stored in the system file.

Figure 257 : The Edit Separation Dialog. 

The Tools Menu

Figure 258 : The Tools Menu. 
The Tools menu features the following menu choices:


This menu choice searches for text in SDL and MSC diagrams, starting with the selected diagram. The menu choice is dimmed if:

The search will only take place in diagrams that are connected and do not have an invalid status.

The search will start in the selected diagram and continue in top-down order for the rest of the diagrams (the order is left-right in a tree view).

The search function will go through the list of diagrams and stop each time the search criterias, as set in the dialog below, matches. If a search/replace string or any option is changed when the search is stopped (a match is found or the user pressed Abort), these values become the basis when the search is continued.

The search process will open an Editor window, if necessary, and select the matched search text.

The searching is based on ASCII character matching. All text fragments in symbols are searched, with a few restrictions (see below).

The Search dialog is modal, which means that the Organizer is locked for other user input during the search. When all diagrams have been searched, the message Search completed appears in the dialog to inform the user.

Figure 259 : The Search Dialog. 

Dialog Fields and Options

The Search dialog contains the following fields and options. The default settings when first invoked are shown in the figure above. Values from the previous invocation is used for settings when the dialog is used again.

Dialog Buttons

When the dialog is first opened, all buttons except Replace&Search and Replace All are enabled. When Search, Replace&Search or Replace All is pressed all fields and buttons are disabled except Abort. If a search string is found in an Editor, it is selected and all buttons and fields are enabled.

When the first search or replace operation has been applied and control returns to the Search dialog, where it is possible to perform a new search on the same diagram(s).

Search Restrictions

All data in the Editors that affects the diagram structure maintained by the Organizer (primarily Reference Symbols and Kernel Heading Symbols in the SDL Editor) is regarded as read only while the user performs the search. That is, they are not affected by the search.

Externally editing (i.e. through means other than using replace) of a diagram during a search operation completely resets the search, i.e. the next search starts from the first diagram.

The search may fail if dialogs are opened in the Editor during the search. In this case the Editor blocks the search and the search process enters the state when all diagrams have been searched.

Diagrams that are not part of the Organizer's Diagram Structure or Associated Documents areas cannot be included in the scope of search. When selecting a diagram icon in the Associated Documents area, only that diagram will be searched.

The Organizer's data is locked during the search process. This is normally not noticed since the Search dialog is modal, but the SDL Editor needs to access that data to perform operations affecting the diagram structure. The Organizer will deny the Editor's requests to modify the data structure. The duration of the search process is the period of time during which the Search dialog is visible in the Organizer.

Type Viewer

This menu choice starts the Type Viewer. It is dimmed if there is no diagram in the Diagram Structure area, or if the preference StartInformationServer is set to false. Only one instance of the Type Viewer exists. If the Type Viewer has already been started, its window is raised.

If a single SDL structure is found in the Organizer, this structure is used by the Type Viewer. If more than one root diagram is found, one of them has to be selected.

If a Referenced Diagram Type icon, an Instance Diagram icon or a Dashed diagram icon is selected, the Type Viewer selects this symbol when opened.

The Type Viewer is described in chapter 24, The Type Viewer.

Coverage Viewer

This menu choice starts a Coverage Viewer. A new instance of the Coverage Viewer is started each time this command is selected.

The Coverage Viewer is described in chapter 28, The Coverage Viewer.

Cross References Viewer(3)

This menu choice starts a Cross Reference Viewer. A new instance of the Cross Reference Viewer is started each time this command is selected.

The Cross Reference Viewer is described in chapter 27, The Cross Reference Viewer.

Simulator UI

This menu choice starts a new Simulator UI. Several Simulator UI's may exist at the same time.

The Simulator UI is described in chapter 32, The Simulator, section "Graphical User Interface" on page 1839.

Validator UI

This menu choice starts a new Validator UI. Several Validator UI's may exist at the same time.

The Validator UI is described in chapter 33, The Validator, section "Graphical User Interface" on page 1915.

Preference Manager

This menu choice starts the Preference Manager. Only one instance of the Preference Manager exists. If the Preference Manager has already been started, its window is raised.

The Preference Manager is described in chapter 30, The Preference Manager.

Search List Manager

This menu choice starts the Search List Manager. Only one instance of the Search List Manager exists. If the Search List Manager has already been started, its window is raised.

The Search List Manager is described in chapter 26, The Search List Manager.

Organizer Log

This menu choice raises the Organizer Log window. The Organizer Log window is raised automatically when the user performs an analysis or other forms of generation. There is only one Organizer Log window.

The Organizer Log window is described in "Organizer Log Window" on page 1135.

Text Viewer

This menu choice opens the Text Viewer window. There is only one Text Viewer window.

The Text Viewer window is described in "Text Viewer Window" on page 1139.

The Help Menu

Figure 260 : The Help Menu. 
In addition to the generic Help menu choices On SDT, On <Tool> and About <Tool>, the Organizer's Help menu has two other menu choices:

On SDT News

Opens a simple text window describing the difference between this version of SDT and the previous version. The text shown is an ordinary text file, allowing late changes in the text before the release.

License Info

Opens a dialog with license information for all tools in the SDT family. (SDT is governed by a floating license mechanism.) Following the command, a dialog is issued.

Figure 261 : The License Info Dialog. 
The dialog displays the following information:

Give Up License

When a code generator is operated, SDT reserves a license so that repeated code generation passes may be ordered without any risk to be denied a license.

With the Give Up License dialog, it is possible to return a license to the pool of licenses.

Figure 262 : The Give Up License Dialog. 
The dialog shows a scrollable list of all code generator licenses that are reserved for the current user (see the table on page 1131 for a reference to the abbreviations that are used). Each item in the list is selectable.

Popup Menus

This section describes popup menus for different types of icons. The operations available depend on the type of file that icon represents.

The following tables lists the menu choices in the popup menus and a reference to the corresponding menu choice in the menu bar.

On Referenced Diagrams and Referenced Diagram Types

(when the icon appears in the Diagram Structure area; otherwise see "On Associated Documents" on page 1135)

Edit Diagram         "Edit Diagram" on page 1090.            
Edit Reference       "Edit Reference" on page 1091.          
Type Viewer          (On type diagrams only) 
"Type Viewer" on page 1128. Opens the Type Viewer with the type diagram selected. Expand "Expand" on page 1104. Expand Substructure "Expand Substructure" on page 1104. Collapse "Collapse" on page 1104. Connect Diagram "Connect Diagram" on page 1094. Disconnect Diagram "Disconnect Diagram" on page 1098. -----------------------------------------------------------

On Instance Diagrams

(when the icon appears in the Diagram Structure area; otherwise see "On Associated Documents" on page 1135)

Edit Reference  "Edit Reference" on page 1091.          
Type Viewer     "Type Viewer" on page 1128. Opens the   
                Type Viewer with the instance diagram   

On Dashed Diagrams

Edit Reference  "Edit Reference" on page 1091.          
Type Viewer     "Type Viewer" on page 1128. Opens the   
                Type Viewer with the dashed diagram     

On Pages

Edit Page  "Edit Diagram" on page 1090.  

On Associated Document Links

Edit Diagram  "Edit Diagram" on page 1090. Edits the   
              associated document the link points to.  

On Associated Documents

Edit Diagram        "Edit Diagram" on page 1090.        
Associate Document  "Associate Document" on page 1100.  
Connect Diagram     "Connect Diagram" on page 1094.     
Disconnect Diagram  "Disconnect Diagram" on page 1098.  

On the Background

Analyze       "Analyze" on page 1109.       
Make          "Make" on page 1112.          
View Options  "View Options" on page 1105.  

Keyboard Accelerators

Apart from the general keyboard accelerators, as described in "Accelerators and Mnemonics" on page 1048, the following accelerators can be used in the Organizer:

Accelerator  Command (page reference)                          
ctrl-A       Add Diagram (see page 1092)                       
ctrl-E       Edit Diagram (see page 1090)                      
ctrl-K       Stops the currently running Analyzer process.     
             Several commands (such as Analyze, Make,          
             Convert to PR, Convert to GR) are not available   
             while the Analyzer is processing data. Stopping   
             the Analyzer enables these commands again.        
ctrl-M       Make (see page 1112)                              
ctrl-R       Remove Diagram (see page 1093)                    
ctrl-T       Toggles between Analyze and Full Analyze for      
             the following commands:                           
             ·  Simulate quick button                          
             ·  Validate quick button                          
             ·  Convert to PR                                  
             ·  Convert to GR.                                 

Quick Buttons

The following quick buttons are special to the Organizer's Main window. The general quick buttons are described in "Quick Buttons" on page 1035.

(fig)  Save                                                                        
       Performs a silent Save All of all diagrams including the system file.       
       Does not bring up the Save dialog, except if diagrams are modified and      
       unconnected, or no system file exist. Corresponds to the Save All but       
       ton in this dialog. See "Save" on page 1071.                                
(fig)  Check Files                                                                 
       The same as Check Files in the File menu; see "Check Files" on page         
(fig)  Analyze                                                                     
       Analyzes the part of the system defined by the selected diagram or the      
       whole system. Brings up a Save Before Dialog if any diagram is modi         
       fied and not saved. Does not bring up the Analyze dialog. Corresponds       
       to the Analyze button in this dialog. The current Analyze options are       
       used. The same restrictions and checks apply as described in "Ana           
       lyze" on page 1109.                                                         
(fig)  Make                                                                        
       Makes the current system, i.e. generates code, compiles and links it.       
       Does not bring up the Make dialog. Corresponds to the Make button in        
       this dialog. The current Analyze and Make options are used. The same        
       restrictions and checks apply as described in "Make" on page 1112.          
(fig)  Generate SDL Overview                                                       
       Generates an SDL overview diagram for the selected diagram or the           
       whole system. Does not bring up the Generate SDL Overview dialog.           
       Corresponds to the Generate button in this dialog. The current Gener        
       ate Overview options are used. The same restrictions and checks apply       
       as described in "Generate SDL Overview" on page 1117.                       
(fig)  Simulate                                                                    
       Generates a simulator for the current system and starts the Simulator       
       UI. Does not bring up the Make dialog if the simulator needs to be          
       regenerated. If a simulation kernel has not been selected in this dialog,   
       a default simulation kernel is used. The same restrictions and checks       
       apply as described in "Make" on page 1112.                                  
       If an up-to-date simulator for the current system already is active, its    
       Simulator UI is raised.                                                     
(fig)  Validate                                                                    
       Generates a validator for the current system and starts the Validator UI.   
       Does not bring up the Make dialog if the validator needs to be regener      
       ated. If a validation kernel has not been selected in this dialog, a        
       default validation kernel is used. The same restrictions and checks         
       apply as described in "Make" on page 1112.                                  
       If an up-to-date validator for the current system already is active, its    
       Validator UI is raised.                                                     
(fig)  Generate Cross References                                                   
       Generates a cross reference file for the current system and presents the    
       information in the Cross Reference Viewer. Does not bring up the Ana        
       lyze dialog. Corresponds to setting the Generate a cross reference file     
       option in this dialog. The same restrictions and checks apply as            
       described in "Analyze" on page 1109 and "Semantic analysis" on page         


X is reserved for future extensions in SDT applied to code generation.
The TTCN-Link kernel is described in the ITEX manuals.
The menu choice is abbreviated Cross Ref Viewer in the Organizer's menu bar.
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