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Previous Chapter 22 The SDT Organizer
The Organizer is the main tool in SDT-3. When the user invokes SDT from the operating system, the Organizer is the tool that is started and displayed on the screen.
This chapter contains a reference manual to the Organizer; the functionality it provides, its menus, windows and symbols.
The following basic terminology is used throughout this chapter:
- System
Not to confuse with a system diagram, a system in SDT signifies the set of data that is associated with one user's view of an SDL system. It includes all source code in different forms, all generated files, all connected documentation, etc. In the normal case, one system corresponds to one SDL system. But for special purposes it is possible to have more than one SDL system in the system context. Such a purpose could be when working with communicating simulators where the source diagrams of each system is required to show and trace the graphical source symbols.
- Root diagram
The topmost diagram in a system. The Organizer allows all types of SDL diagrams to be the root of a system. However, the standard hierarchical rules must be respected, so if a process diagram is the root diagram, only procedure diagrams are allowed as children.
Package diagrams and macro diagrams are special in the sense that they are used by a system diagram. Therefore, they are also placed at the root level and are considered root diagrams.
- Logical diagram name
The Organizer identifies SDL diagrams in the system by their logical diagram names. The logical diagram name contains the entire qualified name of the diagram in a specific format. The connection between logical diagram names and physical file names is explicit and under user control.
- System file
A file containing the diagram structure of a system in logical diagram name format, as well as connected physical files. All Organizer user settings and all associated and external files are also referenced by this file. The system file is described further in "System File" on page 1142.
- Source Directory
- Target Directory
The source directory in SDT specifies, by default, where new diagrams are saved, and from where to read when opening and converting diagrams and other files. The source directory is also the directory normally shown when clicking Current in a Standard File Selection Dialog or a Standard Directory Selection Dialog.
The target directory specifies where to put generated files.
These directories are set using the Organizer, see "Set Directories" on page 1077.
The Organizer's user interface consists of a Main window, an Organizer Log window and a Text Viewer window.
- The Main Window of the Organizer is also the main window of the SDT environment. It manages the current system structure and is responsible for invocation and termination of other tools in SDT.
The Main window exists in one instance only. If more than one Organizer is required, another SDT must be started. For special purposes, the Organizer can handle more than one SDL system simultaneously.
- The Organizer Log Window is a special text window used for two different purposes. During an analysis or code generation process, the commands issued by the Organizer, and the output generated by those commands, are presented in the Organizer Log window. The window is also used as a general purpose log window.
The Organizer Log window can be shown or hidden at any time, but is always opened when a build or logging process is started.
- The Text Viewer Window is a display window, mainly used for viewing text files. Such text files could be referenced via SDT references.
Some user interface descriptions general to all tools in SDT can be found in the chapter "The SDT Graphical User Interface" on page 1021. These general descriptions are assumed to be known by the user and are not repeated in this chapter.
The Organizer's Main window consists of the following parts. See Figure 209.
In the Organizer's drawing area, the files in the system are presented graphically using icons.
The Organizer's drawing area is divided into two presentation areas containing file icons of different status: The Diagram Structure Area and the Associated Documents Area.
The Diagram Structure area contains the SDL diagram structure that normally is the primary information managed by the Organizer. The diagram structure contains a strictly hierarchical view of one or more root diagrams and their substructures. Most often only one diagram structure is used (a system) with one or more package or macro structures present as separate roots in the system. A characteristic of these diagrams is that they are directly involved in the analysis/code generation process. Multiple system roots are allowed, mainly to support the possibility of running communicating simulators with graphical trace.
The Associated Documents area contains secondary information, i.e. files and specifications that are related to the system but are not part of the SDL diagram structure per se. In this area we find MSC diagram icons, SDL overview icons and even SDL diagrams containing SDL fragments that are not directly part of the system. SDL diagrams may also be moved from the Diagram Structure area to the Associated Documents area as a result of some operations in the Organizer.
The Organizer can present the system information in two different ways graphically:
- As an indented list, i.e. a compact, line-oriented list of icons using indentation to suggest the structure (see Figure 210).
- As a vertical tree, which is depth- or level-oriented and requires a larger amount of space (see Figure 211).
The user can change the amount of information and the way it is presented in the drawing area with the menu choice View Options in the View menu.
Figure 210 : Indented List Mode.
Figure 211 : Vertical Tree Mode.
To visualize the different types of data that is present in the user's system, a large number of different graphical icons are used. A unique icon is provided for every file type that is commonly used in an SDL system. In particular, each SDL diagram type (except packages, systems, macro definitions and operators) already have a given icon (the reference symbol specified in the Z.100 recommendation). Different operations are applicable to different types of icons. Double clicking an icon is described in "Double Clicks" on page 1064, and associated popup menus are described in "Popup Menus" on page 1129.
The list below shows the icons that may be part of an SDT system display in the Organizer:
Referenced Diagram icons
(fig) System
(fig) Block
(fig) Process
(fig) Service
(fig) Procedure
(fig) Macro
(fig) Substructure
(fig) Package
(fig) Operator
Referenced Diagram Type icons
(fig) System type
(fig) Block type
(fig) Process type
(fig) Service type
Instance Diagram icons
(fig) System instance
(fig) Block instance
(fig) Process instance
(fig) Service instance
Dashed Diagram icons
(fig) Block
(fig) Process
(fig) Service
Page icons
(fig) Page
Associated Document icons
(fig) MSC
(fig) SDL Overview
Associated Document Link icons
(fig) Associated MSC
(fig) Associated SDL Overview
The icons can have different layouts indicating the state of the information entity associated with the icon. If the icon state is anything else than normal, additional information about the corresponding file is provided in the Status Bar.
(fig) Normal
The normal state of the icon. Information is not modified.
All icon types could be normal.
(fig) Invalid
The connected file does not exist or is not an SDL diagram file.
This state is only possible when connected to a file.
The only operations allowed on such a icon is Connect Diagram,
Disconnect Diagram, Collapse or Expand. All other menu choices
operating on a diagram icon are dimmed if the icon are invalid.
Referenced Diagram icons, Referenced Diagram Type icons and Asso
ciated Document icons could be invalid.
For more information on invalid icons, see "Check Files" on page 1078
and "The Drives Section" on page 1144.
(fig) Mismatch
The diagram is not referenced in the diagram file where this diagram is
referenced in the Organizer, i.e. there is a diagram structure mismatch
between the system file and the diagram files.
This state is only possible when connected to a file. Mismatched dia
grams that are unconnected are removed from the diagram structure in
the Organizer.
Referenced Diagram icons, Referenced Diagram Type icons and Asso
ciated Document icons could be mismatched.
The reason for a mismatch is that the reference symbol in the parent
diagram states a diagram name different than the kernel heading in the
mismatched diagram.
For more information on mismatches, see "Check Files" on page 1078
and "No Save" on page 1073.
(fig) Dirty
The associated information entity is modified, but not yet saved. If a
page becomes dirty, the corresponding diagram icon also becomes
dirty. This state is only possible when connected to a file.
Referenced Diagram icons, Referenced Diagram Type icons, Associ
ated Document icons and Page icons could be dirty.
The order of root diagrams in the Diagram Structure Area, or of diagrams in the Associated Documents Area, is the following:
- Macro
- Package
- Operator
- Procedure
- Service Type
- Process Type
- Block Type
- System Type
- Block
- Substructure
- Process
- Service
- System
The order in which icons associated to a "parent" icon appear is the following:
- Page icons
- Associated Document Link icons
- Referenced Diagram Type icons
- Referenced Diagram icons
- Dashed Diagram icons
- Instance Diagram icons
In each section in the structure where icons of the same type appear, the icons are sorted based on the diagram names. Page icons are sorted according to the page order specified in the SDL Editor (see "SDL Page Order" on page 1162 in chapter 23, The SDL Editor).
The ordering and sorting is fixed and cannot be changed by the user. Icons cannot be moved by the user to another place in the structure. A name change (made in an Editor) might change the position in the structure.
To double click on an icon invokes a default action on the information type that the icon represents. Icons with status invalid have no default action and double clicks are ignored.
The menu choices corresponding to the double clicks are:
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