Syllabus for Operating Systems (CSC 3150)

Instructor : 钟叶獵 (Yeh-Ching Chung)

Office : Dao Yuan Building Room 515

Phone. 0755-23519576 (Office)

            185-7673-9791 (Mobile)

WeChat Group :  CSC3150 Fall 2024

Office Hours: Tuesday 08:00 - 09:00

                       Thursday 08:00 - 09:00

Goals : Understand the principles of Operating Systems and their implementation details

Textbook :

1.   A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin, and G. Gangne, Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition (International Student Version), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2018. (PDF)


1.     Documentations


-        Introduction (slides-0, slides-1)

-        Operating Structures (slides-2)

-        Processes (slides-3)

-        Threaded and Concurrency  (slides-4, Pthread)

-        Main Memory (slides-9)

-        Virtual Memory  (slides-10)

-        File System Interface (slides-13)

-        File-System Implementation (slides-14)

-        Mass-Storage Structure (slides-11)

-        I/O  (slides-12)

-        CPU Scheduling (slides-5)

-        Synchronization Tools (slides-6)

-        Synchronization Examples (slides-7)

-        Dead Locks (slides-8)

-        File System Internals  (slides-15)


     Class participation  - 5% (Roll Call, 12/03)

     Programs - 70%

-        Kernel-Mode Multi-Process Programming (HW#1, 09/24, Due 10/09)

-        Multi-Thread Programming (HW#2, 10/10, Due 10/28)

-        Virtual Memory Management (HW#3, 10/29, Due 11/13)

-        File-Systems (HW#4, 11/14, Due 12/02)

     Final - 25% (12/07)

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Last modified: 2024/07/20 02:09:23