Syllabus for Compiler Construction (CSC4180)


Instructor : Yeh-Ching Chung (钟叶«C)

Office : Room 515, Dao Yuan Building

Phone. 0755-23519576 (Office)

            185-7673-9791 (Mobile)

WeChat Group :  CSC4180 Spring 2025

Office Hours: Tuesday 9:00 - 10:00

                       Thursday 9:00 - 10:00

Goals : Familiar with compilers and their component design

Textbooks :

1.  Crafting a Compiler with C, C. Fisher and R. Leblanc, 1991 (PDF)

2. Crafting a Compiler, C. Fisher, Ron K. Cytron, and R. Leblanc, 2010 (PDF)


               1. Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools, A. Aho, R. Sethi, J. Ullmman, 2007 (PDF)

               2. Lex (PDF)

               3. Yacc (PDF)


-     Introduction (slides-0, slides-1)

-     A Simple Compiler (slides-2)

-     Scanning - Theory and Practice (slides-3)

-     Grammar and Parsing (slides-4, First_Follow_Set)

-     Top-Down Parsing (slides-5)  

-     Bottom-Up Parsing (slides-6-1, slides-6-2, slides-6-3)

-     Syntax-Directed Translation (slides-7)

-     Symbol Table and Declaration Processing (slides-8)

-     Semantics Analysis (slides-9)

-     Code Generation (slides-10-1, slides-10-2)


               1. Class Participation: 5% (Roll Call 4/29)

               2. Programs: 70%

            ¡V Design a simple compiler for Micro language (HW#1 2/11, Due 2/24)

            ¡V Design a scanner for a simplified C language (HW#2 2/25, Due 3/17)

            ¡V Design a parser for a simplified C language (HW#3 3/18, Due 4/7)

            ¡V Design a simplified C Compiler (HW#4 4/8, Due 4/28)

               3. Final Exam: 25% (5/6)

TAs :   刘¦t轩


Last modified: 2024/12/26 09:37:20